24ste Ius Commune congresLeuven, donderdag 28 en vrijdag 29 november 2019
Foto's - Programma - Accommodatie - Inschrijfformulier
slide show
Thursday, 28 November 2019 |
Conference Venue: KU Leuven, Faculty of Law
Tiensestraat 41 3000 Leuven (Belgium) |
10.00 |
Registration and Coffee |
Plenary session |
Zeger van Hee |
Chair: Evelyne Terryn, Professor of Commercial and Consumer Law, KU Leuven |
11.00 |
Welcoming address
Bernard Tilleman, Dean Faculty of Law, KU Leuven |
11.15 |
Keynote speech
Beate Sjåfjell, Professor of Company Law and Corporate Governance, University of Oslo
How Company Law has failed Humanity and How It can redeem Itself |
11.45 |
Keynote speech
Bert Keirsbilck, Associate Professor of European Economic Law, KU Leuven campus Brussels
Contractual Rights and Liabilities in Circular Business Models |
12.15 |
Discussion |
12.45 |
Lunch (central point Nieuwe Valk, Academisch Kwartier)
Lunch Meeting Programme Directors (SO - the Best of Both Worlds) |
Workshops |
14.00 |
Evening Programme |
Venue: Faculty Club, Infirmerie
Groot Begijnhof 14 3000 Leuven (Belgium) |
18.30 |
Reception |
19.15 |
Dinner Presentation Ius Commune Prize 2019 Presentation Ius Commune Certificates |
Friday, 29 November 2019 |
Faculty of Law, Tiensestraat 41
Workshops |
9.00 |
12.00 |
Lunch (central point Nieuwe Valk, Academisch Kwartier)
Lunch Meeting Postgraduate Council (SO - the Best of Both Worlds) |
Plenary session |
Chair: Michael Faure, Academic Director of the Research School Ius Commune |
13.00 |
Keynote speech
Bram Akkermans, Associate Professor Private Law, Maastricht University
Towards Sustainable Property Law? |
13.30 |
Discussion |
13.55 |
Kid Schwarz, Chairman Board of Governors of the Research School Ius Commune |
Workshops |
14.00 |
Deze pagina's bevatten een overzicht van alle activiteiten die door, in samenwerking met of met steun van de Ius Commune Onderzoekschool worden georganiseerd.
Contacteer Mevr. M. Mullers, beheerder van de Onderzoekschool, voor meer informatie of om een activiteit in deze lijst op te nemen. |