PRESENTATIONS ROOM B.0118 - Expert: Cathérine De Rijdt |
PRESENTATIONS ROOM B.0113 - Expert: Simon Beausaert |
09.30 |
Matija Kajić Waste Treatment on the Path to Circular Energy-Food Systems |
Bruno Verdam Thinking about Tort Law |
09.50 |
Joris Gruyters The Role of State Aid Law in the Field of Healthcare and Social Security |
Senna Kerssies Accountability of Gatekeepers |
10.10 |
Tong Xu The Legitimacy in the Transition of Chinas Water Quality Management |
Tekla Beekhuis The Public Prosecutor’s Competence to Settle Large Criminal Cases Out of Court |
10.30 |
Arnaud Van Caenegem The Challenges for Corporate Law Caused by the Rise of Proxy Advisors |
Stefan Bemelmans Towards an Internal Market for Occupational Retirement Provision: A Comparative Legal Research between Belgium and the Netherlands Concerning the Cross-Border Pension Administration of Foreign Pension Schemes by Pan-European Pension Institutions |
10.50 |
Break |
Break |
11.10 |
Haiyang Yu No Cure – No Pay No Good? |
Laureen Hu Foundations of Parenthood |
10.30 |
Margarita Nieves Zárate Regulation of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production |
Joeri De Smet The Enforcement of Product Governance Obligations under MiFID II |
11.50 |
Hannes Claes Judicial Review of Exemption Clauses: Need for Consistency? |
Nina de Boer Environmental Litigation by NGOs - The Role of NGOs in Enforcing Environmental Law in EU Member States |
12.10 |
Viktorija Morozovaite Hypernudging Strategies in the Digital Market Economy: A Role for European Competition Law? |
Ana Laura Claes Belgian Customs Criminal Procedure: Unusually Special? |
12.30 |
Lunch (Room B0.115) |
Lunch (Room B0.115) |
PRESENTATIONS ROOM B.0118 - Expert: Wladimir van Mansum |
PRESENTATIONS ROOM B.0113 - Expert: Cathérine De Rijdt |
13.00 |
Veerle van Waarde Revolving Instead of Subsidising. Revolving Funds as Financial Governmental Instrument |
Colin Lilburn Trustee Duties in Scots Law |
13.20 |
Kendro Pedrosa Tackling Air Pollution: Towards an Adequate Legal Protection |
Marilou Hubers The Protection of Social Rights in the context of Cross-border Company Mobility in Europe |
13.40 |
Eva Vermeulen Protecting Property Properly: Capabilitarian Contributions to the Human Right to Property |
Jonas Voorter Towards a Belgian Legal Framework for a Circular Building Sector without Any Gaps |
14.00 |
Martijn van Gils Soil Subsidence in the Netherlands: Mitigation, Adaptation and Compensation |
Nina Colpaert The Influence of Mergers on Abuse of Dominance |
14.20 |
Anna Vera van Beusekom Regulation of FinTech |
Nathan Meershoek An Internal Market for Defence Equipment? National Security Interests and the EUs Strategic Autonomy |
14.40 |
Yannick van den Berg Sustainable Consumption in the European Union: What about Reduction? |
Christian Anguita Oyarzún The Consequences of the New Tax Treaty General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) in International and Domestic Tax Law of Latin American Countries |
15.00 |
Break |
Break |
15.10 |
Ida Mae de Waal Towards a Circular Economy – The Relation between European Chemical, Product and Waste Legislation |
Loth van der Auwermeulen Cross-Border Intermunicipal Cooperation in a Multi-Level Legal Order: What is the Role of (National) Administrative Law? |
15.30 |
Erika Verscheure In Search of the Foundations for a Civil Legal Framework for Cohousing. Comparative Legal Lessons for Flanders |
Nellie de With Incomplete Execution of Imprisonment Sentences |
15.50 |
Joyce Devilee The Role of Shareholder Commitment in Relationship to the Purpose of the Company from a Multidisciplinary Perspective |
Constanta Rosca A Computational Perspective on European Constitutional Values in the Case Law of the CJEU on Economic Free Movement |
16.10 |
Looking back on main takeaways |
Looking back on main takeaways |