Ius Commune promovendiopleiding 2022-2023. Comparative Law Research and Methodology
Utrecht, woensdag 15 en donderdag 16 februari 2023 Introductie - Programma - Instructies - Contact IntroductiePostgraduates who are engaged in comparative law research tend to encounter, at least in the beginning, many theoretical and practical problems. Which systems will I include in my research? Which sources must I consult? Which legal formants do I single out for description and analysis? Can I find all the necessary materials in my home-university or do I have to obtain them from abroad? If so, from where precisely? Might there be other reasons for going abroad? Within the system researched what is the relationship between legislation, case law, scholarly literature; between commercial law and civil law; between federal law and law of member-states?; what are the outlines of the judiciary system?; are any changes in law expected?; are there legal developments visible in the past which may be useful or even necessary to take into account? May the learned Ius Commune as the once common frame of reference be of use? May our contemporary frames of reference as human rights law, international law, European law or e.g. scholarly principles, case-books or other scholarly comparative projects be of methodological relevance? How? Also topics as translation of legal terminology, choice of language needs to be taken into account.These and many other questions will be dealt with during this ius commune course for PhD candidates from the Ius Commune postgraduate research school, which will be organized by Utrecht University and the Molengraaff Institute for Private Law in May 2022 – Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18. The lecturers will provide you in advance with possibly (an excerpt of) an article of specific interest, which you are kindly invited to critically read; the participants are as well requested to prepare a short expose on their use of comparative law (or comparative methodology) in their research and to shortly present this; the experts will provide reflection. Naturally there is room for peers to engage in discussion. Programma
InstructiesParticipants shall one week in advance of the course submit their choice for the parallel sessions, as well as their concise paper concerning methodological issues relating to the comparative aspects in their research (max. 1000 words). Briefly address the topic of their thesis, the legal systems chosen (and why) and – very important and – the specific issues concerning comparative methodology they would like to see addressed. Please send to secretariaatMIWPI@uu.nl to the attention of mrs. Thalia Laurentius by February 8.ContactMrs. Thalia LaurentiusMolengraaff Instituut voor Privaatrecht Newtonlaan 201 3584 BH Utrecht Tel.: + 31 (0)30 - 253 7723 E-mail: secretariaatMIWPI@uu.nl Dr. J.M. Milo Molengraaff Instituut voor Privaatrecht Newtonlaan 201 3584 BH Utrecht Tel.: + 31 (0)30 - 253 7173 E-mail: j.m.milo@uu.nl |