Commercial intermediaries: an investigation into the common law of distribtuion contracts and the need for harmonisation of specific legislationPhD student: Dr. P. Naeyaert
Promotors: Prof V. Sagaert, Prof B. Tilleman
Duration: 1/10/2007 - 30/9/2011
PhD defence: Leuven, 18/4/2012
This research wants to identify the common characteristics of the different distribution contracts for commercial intermediaries. It will set out on the one hand for which aspects common solutions can be envisaged and to what extent general contract law already provides for a satisfactory solution. It will analyze on the other hand to what extent and for which categories of contracts specific legislation is required and justified. Within the framework of this research, a profound comparison will be made between Belgian law and French, Dutch, German and English distribution law. In order to strengthen the cooperation with the North of France, an \'Interreg project\' has been filed in dialogue with VOKA (Chamber of commerce of West Flanders), Chamber of commerce Franco-Belge and the university of Lille 2.