Veiligheidsregulering ter preventie van arbeidsgerelateerde schade: een economische en vergelijkende benaderingPromovendus: Mw. L. Tilindyte
Promotores: Prof.Dr. M.G. Faure, Mw. Prof.Mr. S. Klosse
Duur: 15/9/2007 - 31/8/2011
Promotie: Maastricht, 26/10/2012
Most countries respond to occupational health and safety risks by means of comprehensive safety regulation - standards, prohibitions etc. This project aims at analyzing the prevention of work-related accidents via regulation or liability rules, more particularly focusing on the optimal enforcement of regulation. The goal is to use both economic and comparative approach in order to establish which enforcement techniques (monitoring, sanctioning) are most effective to enforce regulation aiming at the prevention of labour-related accidents. Is reactive or proactive monitoring likely to be cost-effective? Also different sanctioning methods will be compared, more particularly the effectiveness of administrative and criminal law in enforcing safety regulation. The case studies analysed are Germany and the United Kingdom.