Proceedings in Matters of Child MaintenancePhD student: Mrs Dr S. Aras
Promotor: Prof A. Uzelac
Duration: 1/11/2007 - 31/10/2013
PhD defence: Zagreb, 19/6/2012
Croatian Family Law contains particular regulations of procedure in family matters which partly differ from the general regulations of civil procedure. The legal arrangement of family law procedures is characterized by additional claims to court to act promptly, to protect the rights of minors and persons who are unable to take care of their rights and interests, as well as to reduce the disposition of parties in these procedures along with the adequate strengthening of inquisitory and official authority of courts. It is also laying stress on the role of social welfare centers in the procedure. With Croatian Family Law Amendments (2007) some rules of civil procedure in family law matters were changed, but only within the limited scope of child alimony disputes.