The individual between the State and the EU: Nationals, Foreigners and European CitizenshipPhD student: Ms V. Gasca
Promotors: Mrs Prof M.L.H.K. Claes, J. Shaw
Duration: 1/2/2009 - 31/1/2013
The introduction of the institution of citizenship of the European Union has challenged the traditional concept and constitutional status of national citizens. The aim of the PhD research is to analyse through a bottom-up approach the legal status, and, if the case, the categorisation of nationals in three EU Member States (UK, Belgium or Spain, Latvia) and its relationship to the Union citizenship. It shall focus on the legal treatment of nationals who acquired their citizenship through naturalisation or possess dual nationality. Is there a differentiated treatment of nationals and how it relates to the status of EU citizen? How sharp the boundary is traced by the legal status of citizen vis--vis the status of foreigner under domestic legislation? Are there exceptions to the principles of equality and non-discrimination of all citizens? How the development of EU citizenship impacts the domestic transformations of citizenship law and policy? Is it a two-way process and are there patterns of change?