Socializing Europe - Solidifying EU CitizenshipPromovendus: Mw. Dr. T. Orsolic Dalessio
Promotor: Mw. Prof.Mr. M.L.H.K. Claes
Duur: 1/6/2009 - 31/5/2012
Promotie: Maastricht, 1/7/2013
This research analyzes the developments that occurred with respect to access to social benefits of citizens of the European Union, since the legal concept of citizenship of the Union was introduced in the European law. Moreover, it assesses the impacts that these developments had on Member States sovereignty, taking into consideration different concepts of state sovereignty. The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate that we will get divergent results regarding the impacts of the developments in social fields on Member States sovereignty, depending on the concept of sovereignty chosen. This finding will be used in order to evaluate the appropriateness of relying on sovereignty-related criteria when appraising the acceptability and the desirability of present and future developments of the legal concept of citizenship of the Union.