Agencification of EU External Relations: European Regulatory Agencies as Global ActorsPhD student: Dr F. Coman Kund
Promotors: Mrs Prof E.I.L. Vos, Mrs Prof A. Ott
Duration: 1/9/2009 - 31/8/2013
PhD defence: Maastricht, 20/1/2016
This research project is aimed at scrutinising the legal and governance issues arising from the emerging practices in external relations of some of EU’s newest institutional actors the European regulatory agencies. While agencies are generally known as specialised bodies entrusted with various administrative functions/tasks within the Union, it seems that recently those bodies tend to become actors also outside the EU (establishing complex relations with third-countries and international organisations, interacting on a day-to-day basis with stakeholders beyond the EU territory). Against this background, the research will examine comprehensively: 1. the extent to which regulatory agencies are involved in EU external relations; 2. the legal and governance impact this might have for European regulatory agencies and for EC/EU at large; 3. whether the external activities of European agencies require a new set of legal parameters beyond those already in use in European and international law.