Problems caused by multiple actors forming rules in European private law: Coordination as a solution?Promovendus: Mw. Dr. E.A.G. van Schagen
Promotor: Prof.Dr. J.M. Smits
Duur: 1/2/2009 - 31/1/2013
Promotie: Tilburg, 14/10/2013
Multiple actors set rules in European private law: from private actors, the national legislator and judiciary, the EU legislator and the ECJ, to international organisations. This research asks what problems arise because of the coexistence of multiple actors that form rules in European private law. I hope to be able to provide an additional perspective on the problems described in existing literature in European private law: the existence of multiple actors that form rules in European private law, and the changing roles of these actors. If the coexistence of these actors and their changing roles is considered more closely, it could provide better understanding of the problems and benefits of the existence of multiple actors. Subsequently, the research asks, if problems are caused by the existence of multiple actors forming rules in private law, whether it would be possible to contribute to a solution of (part of) these problems by looking at possibilities for coordination of actors and rules.