The Ombudsmen and the Courts - Their Mutual Relations and InfluencesPhD student: Mr M. Remac
Promotors: Prof.em. P.M. Langbroek, Prof R.J.G.M. Widdershoven
Duration: 1/10/2009 - 30/9/2013
PhD defence: Utrecht, 28/3/2014
The project involves a (comparative) study of the manner in which national ombudsmen react to the national (usually administrative) courts, their mutual relations, mutual influences and last but not least their actions in the area of providing of administrative justice and improving the state administration. The objective of the research is to investigate the extent in which national ombudsman react to the national courts in administrative law area and vice versa, and to confirm or to negate the assertion that ombudsmen and courts can successfully coexist and cooperate in European and in different national legal orders.