The Evolution of Ownership in American Civil Law Jurisdictions: A Melting Pot of European Private Law and Regional CulturePhD student: Dr A. Parise
Promotors: Prof C.H. van Rhee, Prof.em. J.H.M. van Erp
Duration: 1/9/2011 - 31/8/2015
PhD defence: Maastricht, 10/11/2015
The project contemplates a comparative legal-historical study of European and American law and culture. The project will address the concept of ownership (16-21 centuries) in a selection of American jurisdictions. It will determine the extent in which American jurisdictions share an evolution of ownership; will trace in European law the legal sources for ownership in America; and will study socio-historical events (i.e., cultural traits) that took place in American jurisdictions, and that influenced changes in the concept of ownership. The project will provide new knowledge on the influence that European law had in the property law of American jurisdictions.