Civil justice competition in the EU and choice of courtPromovendus: Dhr. E. Themeli
Promotor: Mw. Prof. X.E. Kramer
Duur: 1/11/2012 - 30/6/2016
Promotie: Rotterdam, 23/3/2018
Policy makers and legislators both at the EU and national level aim at furthering access to justice and improving the functioning of civil procedure, particularly in cross-border cases. Private international law rules in many cases allow parties to select the court having jurisdiction. The question remains to what extent parties, when making a choice of court, take into consideration the civil justice system (rather than the substantive law) in a particular country and what elements play a role in this selection. The research will consist of normative research, empirical research (field research) and consider law and economics models. The outcome of this research can contribute to the debate and policy concerning the further harmonization of civil procedure in the European Union.