Corporate restructuring and the role of corporate stakeholders within this processPromovendus: Mw. Prof. M. Olaerts
Promotores: Prof.Mr. C.A. Schwarz, Prof.Mr. B.T.M. Steins Bisschop, Dr. J. Hamers
Duur: 1/1/2003 - 31/12/2006
Promotie: Maastricht, 23/11/2007
Corporations are legal entities: companies and organizations that have rights and obligations just like natural persons. In the Netherlands, corporations can be held criminally liable for – in principle – all offences. Yet, how exactly corporate criminal liability can be established has proven to be a challenging question due to the uneasy fit of corporations with the criminal law. After all, when can a corporation be said to perform an ‘act’ and can thus be regarded as a perpetrator of a criminal offence?