The legal integration of water and nature interests in spatial planning, in the context of adaptation to climate changePhD student: Mr J.-C. Beyers
Promotor: Prof K. Deketelaere
Duration: 1/3/2013 - 28/2/2015
This PhD study aims to conduct a study of the legal integration of water and nature interests in spatial planning. The research will be framed within the current problems of climate change. Thus, this study aims to show that an optimal integration of water and nature interests in spatial planning can contribute significantly to the achievement of the Flemish strategy on adaptation to climate change. Given the Belgian adaptation strategy, the problem will not only be examined within the Flemish but also within the Walloon and Brussels-metropolitan context. A comparison with the relevant regulations of another (yet to be determined) European Member State shall contribute to the quality of the research. Prof. Dr. Deketelaere will act as promoter of this research.