Distributional Effects of EU Flood Risk Management and the Law. The Netherlands, Flanders and France as case studiesPhD student: Mrs W.J. van Doorn-Hoekveld
Promotors: Mrs Prof H.F.M.W. van Rijswick, Prof B.J. Schueler
Duration: 1/2/2013 - 30/4/2016
PhD defence: Utrecht, 29/1/2018
A comparative study to the differences of no-fault liability and compensation of damage with regard to measures taken to reduce the negative effects of climate change has not been done yet. The research will focus on adaptation measures in the field of water management, more particular measures taken by the government to avoid flooding and water shortage. In a comparative study on no fault liability in France, Germany, Belgium (Flanders) and the Netherlands the differences in these Member States will be researched, with a focus on the underlying principles. In a search for an explanation of possible differences the consequences for a level playing field in the European adaptation strategies will be analyzed and it will be examined if it is desirable to harmonize the different no-fault liability regimes.