Cross-border debt recovery in the EU. A comparative and empirical study on the use of the European uniform proceduresPromovendus: Mw. Dr. E.A. Ontanu
Promotor: Mw. Prof. X.E. Kramer
Duur: 1/9/2011 - 31/8/2015
Promotie: Rotterdam, 2/11/2017
This research project explores and compares the implementation and functioning of the European Order for Payment Procedure and the European Small Claims Procedure in three selected Member States. Particular attention will be paid to procedural requirements and enforcement, against the background of the abolition of the exequatur. It further intends to contribute to answering the question whether these European procedures improve the cross-border enforcement of judgments and serve as a good example for further simplification of the cross-border enforcement and harmonisation of civil procedure in Europe.
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