The position of the shareholder and its responsibility towards other stakeholdersPhD student: Dr B. Kemp
Promotor: Prof C.A. Schwarz
Duration: 1/2/2013 - 31/12/2015
PhD defence: Maastricht, 30/9/2015
The position of the shareholder continuously changes. In the past the general meeting of shareholders was the highest power within the company and the whole company revolved around the shareholders. Currently this is no longer the case, at least in the Netherlands. The company has institutionalized en the interest of the shareholders are no longer the main driver of the companys policy. This does not seem to have changed with the recent legislative changes. However, the position of the individual shareholders and the general meeting of shareholders seems not to have changed together with the nature of the company, or at least not as strongly. In many cases the ultimate power still lies with the shareholders. Furthermore, shareholders currently are still in a position where they can act selfish. In my research I will look more closely at the position of the shareholders (and general meeting of shareholders) within the company, which interest the individual shareholders and general meeting of shareholders should promote and what circumstances effect their degree of responsibility towards other stakeholders. Within the framework of this research I will also analyse the historic development of the position of the shareholders, including recent theories in the field of law and economics.