Sword and shield? The impact of WTO law on the extraterritorial effect of sanitary and phytosanitary measuresPromovendus: Mw. D. Sinopoli
Promotores: C.J.A.M. Termeer, Prof.Dr. K.P. Purnhagen, Mw. Dr. H. Schebesta
Duur: 1/4/2014 - 31/3/2019
Promotie: Wageningen, 19/6/2018
My research is on the impact of unilateral regulatory globalization on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures. It is based on the concept of the Brussels Effect, which I have expanded to include not only the EU, but also the US and any other country that may exert unilateral regulatory globalization. My first article was on if the WTO constrains the Brussels Effect, which I assessed through an analysis of three SPS disputes. I found that while the WTO may constrain the Brussels Effect on paper, it does not do so in action. This article has been accepted for publication in the Wisconsin Journal of International Law. My second article is a case study on this concept, focusing on a current dispute between the EU and South Africa on citrus black spot disease. This article is complete and is under review.