The decisionmaking power and regulation of antitakeover measures of the target company in hostile takeoverPromovendus: Mw. H. Ai
Promotores: Mw. Prof. M. Olaerts, Dr. N.J. Philipsen
Duur: 1/9/2017 - 31/8/2021
Promotie: Maastricht, 8/12/2021
Different jurisdictions started to regulate hostile takeovers in the 1980s. This dissertation examines the decisionmaking models of antitakeover measures of target companies, especially those which serve a public interest after being privatised, in hostile takeovers in jurisdictions including the UK, U.S., Germany and China. Through a comparative research, it strives to explore how conflicts of interest are reflected in different decisionmaking models, the specific decisionmaking model in companies which serve public interest and the underlying reasons for that. It aims to improve the regulation of antitakeover measures as a whole in those jurisdictions.