Tackling the illicit traffic in cultural property through private law means an analysis of the 1995 Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects to Cultural Property TheftPromovendus: Dhr. A.C.C. Groenen
Promotores: Mw. Prof.Dr. H.E.G.S. Schneider, A.M. Draye, Dr. L.P.W. van Vliet
Duur: 1/9/2012 - 31/8/2017
Promotie: Maastricht, 2/10/2018
My research focuses upon the effectiveness of the 1995 Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects in tackling the illicit traffic in cultural property. Due to the lack of data / unreliability of data upon the illicit traffic in cultural property, this disquisition evaluates the effectiveness of the convention by comparing its regime to the rules in force outside of its ambit. More specifically, the research analyses the regime applicable to cultural property theft and compares the said regime to the rules on transfer and acquisition of stolen (cultural) objects in six jurisdictions: Belgium, France, The Netherlands, California, New Jersey and New York. Additionally, the research addresses the added value of the convention in case of archaeological theft. At last, it formulates recommendations for improvement to Unidroit so as to secure a higher degree of participation.