Family care and the law: informal care for the elderly within the family from a legal perspectivePhD student: Mrs F.M. de Kievit
Promotors: Mrs Prof W.M. Schrama, Mrs Dr M. Jonker, S. Heeger-Hertter
Duration: 1/10/2017 - 30/9/2021
PhD defence: Utrecht, 22/3/2024
Elder care in the Netherlands is changing as a result of recent policy of the Dutch government. This new policy is dictated by the ageing society and the increasing pressure on the welfare state. One of the governments goals is for elderly people to stay at home for a longer period of time with the help and support of their families, instead of receiving professional care. The responsibility for elder care shifts away from the government and towards the family. Therefore, family care provided by relatives becomes more important and necessary. This research focuses on the unknown position, rights and duties of family members when caring for their relatives. The question rises in how far the legislation is in line with the policy and goals of the legislator. Current public and private law containing provisions on family care will be mapped out and evaluated. Also, the options the family has to regulate familycare themselves with the help of private law will be investigated. The aim of the research is to produce recommendations for the government on how to improve family care and to create a guide for families on how to arrange familycare themselves.