Balancing Trade and health in the SPS Agreement: The Development DimensionPromovendus: Mw. Dr. D. Prévost
Promotor: Prof.Dr. P.L.H. van den Bossche
Duur: 1/9/1999 - 30/8/2006
Promotie: Maastricht, 7/5/2009
The question addressed in this book is whether the WTO's SPS Agreement achieves an ‘appropriate’ balance between liberalising trade in the food and agricultural sector and allowing sufficient scope for national between free trade and health protection is health protection measures. This balance is explored from a developing country perspective. Thus, on the one hand, the question whether the SPS Agreement improves developing countries’ opportunities to gain market access for their food and agricultural exports by means of effective disciplines is addressed. On the other hand, the issue whether the Agreement sufficiently respects the right of WTO Members to protect health in their territories in a way that takes account of varying capacity at different levels of development is examined.