Towards an EU environmental codePhD student: Mrs A. Vanhellemont
Promotor: B. Vanheusden
Duration: 16/9/2017 - 15/9/2023
In several European countries there have been attempts to codify environmental law, some of which more successful than others. This codification can be considered as a reaction to the incoherent and unsystematic development of the environmental law branch. There is too much environmental legislation, as well as an abundance of procedures which create an excessive administrative burden. The existing regulation is too specific and detailed and is not built around a systematic and harmonious concept; it has mostly been fragmentary and random. These factors can also be noticed in EU environmental law. There is certainly a need to improve EU environmental legislation with regard to its drafting and its effective application. The main objective of Annas research is to establish whether a (partial) codification of EU environmental law could be a step in the right direction. During her research, the instruments of EU environmental law will be examined in the light of the movement towards codification, both in the field of environmental law (in the Member States), and in other branches of law. Several options for a codification of EU environmental law, covering different scopes, will be explored. These possibilities will be evaluated based on qualitative criteria and the feasibility of an EU environmental code will be assessed.