Public procurement as a key to social Europe?PhD student: Mrs K. Willekens
Promotor: Mrs Dr E. Muir
Duration: 1/9/2017 - 31/8/2023
My research aims to investigate how public procurement legislation in the EU can be used to give effect to both the rights under the existing EU social acquis and to rights that go beyond the acquis, whilst at the same time not jeopardizing the functioning of the EU internal market. The latest public procurement directives provide more possibilities in order to mainstream social considerations throughout the public procurement process. Within the EU, we can also detect an increasing demand for a more social Europe. The European Pillar of Social Rights for example, strives to deliver new and more effective rights for citizens. This Pillar builds on the existing acquis of social rights in the EU, but also goes further, by developing principles that are currently not protected under EU law. It also aims for more effectiveness of both existing and new social rights. If the EU would indeed move towards a more social Europe, one must think about how this goal could be achieved. Much will depend on the willingness/posibilities of the Member States to create national legislation and enforcement mechanisms. Therefore, I would like to investigate an already existing instrument, public procurement (both on EU and on Member State level) and its increased possiblity to take up social considerations, as a possible instrument to help contribute to this goal.