Data security mechanisms: the ideal concept bridging the gap between legal data minimisation requirements and big data?PhD student: Mr P. Notermans
Promotors: A. Vedder, G. Rosoux
Duration: 1/1/2019 - 31/12/2023
Data is nowadays considered to be the new oil. As it is a valuable resource, public and private actors tend to use and process a greater amount of personal information. This can lead to both privacy and data protection issues. In the journey towards better protection levels for the individual, the European institutions adopted the new data protection regulation (GDPR). This legal instrument provides security mechanisms such as encryption, privacy by design, pseudonymisation. The aim of this research is to assess whether these security mechanisms can protect on an effective way personal data, or whether data minimisation requirements or other privacy regulations should impose more constraints in order to safeguard both privacy and data protection fundamental rights against an unlimited use of big data.