Related party transactions in corporate law. A comparative law study in European contextPhD student: Mrs I.C.P. Groenland
Promotors: Prof H.J. de Kluiver, Mrs Prof C. Mak
Duration: 1/10/2018 - 30/9/2022
The research project will be related to the implementation of Article 9c of the Revised EU Shareholders'Directive EU 2017/828 (RShD), according to which the Member States shall provide for legislation on related party transactions (RPT's) of listed companies. Background of the research is the fact that in The Netherlands, at least until now, RPT's where the related party is a shareholder, are usually not specifically addressed in the debate on corporate governance. The laws on the implementation of the RShD will be reviewed in close connection with legal doctrine and legislation on RPTs in Germany and the United Kingdom. The research will include the whether one should strive for harmonisation of the procedures between Member States, even where member state options leave the choice. The research may be extended to other member states (France, Italy) if appropriate.