The legal anatomy of the social market economy. Framing supplementary pensions in EU competition and internal market lawPhD student: Dr J. Gruyters
Promotor: Prof W. Devroe
Duration: 1/9/2019 - 31/8/2024
PhD defence: Leuven, 4/3/2025
My research focuses on the intersection of social security, social services and State aid law. Within European case law and decision-making, there have been difficulties for in excluding social security and social economy services from the scope of State aid and competition law. In addition, there is a risk of affecting the uniform application of State aid law due to the fact that Member States have the discretionary freedom to interpret what they understand by Services of General Interest. My research clarifies the different concepts (SGEI, DAB, SSGI, etc.) that are used to delineate social services. Furthermore, my research tends to provide a clear framework for the State aid law approach to social security in the different member states. I evaluate the extent to which state aid law is still uniformly implemented within social security services.