Trade negotiations and e-commerce: An analysis of their impact for micro, small and medium enterprises growth in African countriesPhD student: Mr M.L. Munu
Promotors: Mrs Prof M. Pertegás Sender, Mrs Dr D. Prévost
Duration: 1/11/2019 - 31/10/2023
Electronic commerce (e-commerce), defined as the order and purchase of goods and services using electronic means is one of the key areas where members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) are pushing for an agreement. The research seeks to examine the key components that e-commerce negotiations cover and their implications for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in African countries. The study intends to construct a new analytical framework for e-commerce which takes into consideration a development approach other than the dominant market oriented approach. The study uses qualitative methods of process tracing to conduct key informant interviews and document review.