Human rights in books versus human rights in action exploring the capabilities of the Fundamental Rights Agency and of the Council of Europe in bridging the gaps in the governance of EU fundamental rightsPhD student: Mrs A.M. Pleniceanu
Promotors: Mrs Prof M.L.H.K. Claes, Mrs Prof E.I.L. Vos
Duration: 14/1/2021 - 13/12/2025
The increasingly fractured protection of EU fundamental rights between different institutions and levels of governance gives rise to questions as to how institutional actors can support the successful practical enforcement of EU FR and, ultimately, the development of a fully-fledged EU fundamental rights policy. In this respect, this project seeks to explore the potential and capacity of two alternative regulatory actors that can support the development of a robust EU fundamental rights regime: the effective, yet underutilised EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and its international co-operator and European human rights standard-setter, the Council of Europe (COE). Thus, the project addresses the institutional performance and engagement of FRA and COE in developing the EU FR internal policy and improving the empirical landscape in which EU FR exist. By analysing their institutional mission, their capabilities and the features of their interorganisational co-operation, the project seeks to explore how and to what extent can the FRA and the COE contribute to the effective governance of EU fundamental rights. The overall objective of this research is to identify the patterns of influence, interaction and support between the two organisations, to provide clarity on the added value that FRA and the COE can bring to the EU fundamental rights policy-making and to assess whether these two organisations can indeed contribute to closing the gaps in the governance of EU FR.