Rechterlijke toetsing aan het gelijkheidsbeginsel. Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar een algemeen toetsingsmodelPromovendus: Mw. Mr. J. Gerards
Promotor: Prof.em. A.W. Heringa
Duur: 1/10/1998 - 8/11/2002
Promotie: Maastricht, 8/11/2002
In this study, an assessment model is developed to guide courts in deciding equal treatment cases. Such a model appears to be indispensable, since relevant equality provisions often do not offer much guidance as to the assessment of unequal treatment, resulting in diverging approaches and outcomes. The use of the assessment model developed in this study may improve judicial reasoning and enhance the legitimacy of equal treatment case law.
The general assessment model developed in the study is based on theoretical research into the standards that should be used in assessing cases against the principle of equal treatment, supplemented by an elaborate comparative analysis of equal treatment case law of various courts (ECHR, ECJ and US Supreme Court). The result of this approach is the design of an assessment model that is both theoretically sound and workable in practice.