The Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in National Legal OrdersPromovendus: Mw. S.N. Yılancıoğlu
Promotores: Prof.em. A.W. Heringa, Mw. S. Imamovic
Duur: 30/8/2021 - 29/8/2025
This research project focuses on deficient or delayed executions of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the Council of Europe and, more specifically, the UK, the Netherlands and Turkey. This comparative research investigates how the execution of the Courts judgments is presently shaped and takes place and focuses on three Contracting Parties which have shown different track records and have different legal systems for the recognition and implementation of international human rights treaties. This research examines how execution can be improved by making adaptations in the European Convention on Human Rights system and/or on the part of the Contracting Parties.