Multilingual Legal Knowledge Graphs to assist in EU Law-MakingPromovendus: Mw. H.M.A. van der Kroef
Promotor: Prof.Dr. G. van Dijck
Duur: 20/9/2020 - 19/9/2024
The development of multilingual knowledge graphs and knowledge graph embeddings from unstructured legislation text for the semantic alignment of concepts in European and national legislation. Knowledge graph embeddings learned from a multilingual parallel corpus of directives and their national implementations will be used to align concepts, entities and relations across the translated versions of the directives and their corresponding national implementations. The multilingual semantic alignments of concepts and relations will act as a support tool for the translators and lawyerlinguists to make the future EU-law making process much smoother by already providing the corresponding concepts in the target language for the concepts of the source language. Further, it would also serve the purpose of harmonization and integration of European and national law.