Composite administrative procedures in European administrative law and the quest for effective judicial protection: the case of Protected Destinations of Origin and Protected Geographical IndicationsPromovendus: Mw. C. Charisi
Promotores: Mw. Prof. M. Eliantonio, O. Dubos, A. Volpato
Duur: 1/4/2022 - 31/3/2026
In the EU, we are witnessing a growing number of so-called composite procedures, namely decision-making processes in which EU and national authorities interact at different moments and through the adoption of different types of acts. This project examines the composite procedures emerging within the areas of protected destinations of origin and protected geographical indications. The steps of the procedures will be examined and the relevant case law of the EU courts, as well as the Italian, French and Greek courts will be studied. Finally, these procedures will be evaluated from the point of view of the right to an effective remedy.