Online advertising services and exploitative abuse the data economy. A law and economic perspectivePromovendus: Mw. M. Jiang
Promotores: Dr. N.J. Philipsen, Mw. Dr. C. Cauffman
Duur: 1/9/2022 - 31/8/2026
Online advertising services, provided by dominant undertakings in digital sectors, may amount to exploitative abuse of dominance that is detrimental to industrial and final consumers. However, we still know little about the relationship between online advertising services and exploitative abuse. Therefore, this research will use the consumer welfare standard and behavioral economics approaches as an evaluation tool to make a clear map of online advertising services as exploitative abuse of dominance. This research will help us to apply suitable remedies for online advertising services amounting to an abuse of dominance, provide a suitable benchmark to dominant undertakings and protect the welfare of consumers.