Perceived procedural justice and procedural difficulies of vulnerble litigants in civil procedurePhD student: Mrs A.A.A. Janssen
Promotors: K. van der Kraats, Prof K. van den Bos, S. Bekker
Duration: 1/2/2022 - 31/1/2026
Vulnerable litigants have great difficulty following civil procedure, as it requires litigants to have legal knowledge, language proficiency and financial means. At the same time, trust in the judiciary is relatively low amongst vulnerable litigants, which has great implications for the legitimacy of the judiciary. This research examines the perceived procedural justice of vulnerable litigants in civil procedure, the (procedural) obstacles they need to overcome and how civil procedural law can contribute to strengthen their position. By doing so, this research aims to strengthen their trust in the judiciary and prevent that these litigants become estranged from the court.