The multi-layered nature of sustainability regulationsPhD student: Mrs L. Neven
Promotor: Mrs Dr D. Gruyaert
Duration: 1/9/2022 - 31/8/2026
The doctoral research shall focus on the multi-layered nature of sustainability regulations. The impact of supranational legislation in the national legal order can lead to complex situations, in particular in the framework of the transposition of supranational legislation in the national legal order. In the event of a lack of adequate and timely implementation, there is a risk that the legal subjects are confronted with sudden negative effects due to a strict enforcement of supranational law by the courts. Fundamental research is needed to identify and remedy the gaps in the current implementation of sustainability regulations. The proposed research will analyse specific cases of transposing supranational legislation. The research objective is to create a coherent framework for an adequate implementation of supranational legislation to foster sustainable development.