Can competition law address the panacea of exclusive music licensing? Policy approaches in EU, US and ChinaPromovendus: Mw. Q. Zhang
Promotores: Dr. N.J. Philipsen, Mw. Dr. K. Tyagi
Duur: 20/9/2023 - 31/5/2027
Regarding the regulation of exclusive licensing of digital music copyrights, the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC) took a position in favor of new entrants by halting exclusive licensing for all parties except under special circumstances in 2022. This necessitates an investigation into whether exclusive licensing is inherently flawed. This study will scrutinize the circumstances under which exclusive licensing deals further strengthen platform dominance and thus impede competition by engaging in a comparative analysis of cases and regulatory mechanisms in the European Union, the United States, and China. It aims to provide policy recommendations for digital music copyright management.