Strengthening social Europe: The potential of the (revised) European social charter in furthering social rights in EU lawPromovendus: Mw. S.E.A. von Landenberg
Promotores: Mr. A.P. van der Mei, Mw. S. Imamovic
Duur: 1/9/2024 - 31/8/2030
This doctoral thesis aims to assess the possibility of strengthening social rights in EU law, ascertaining whether harmonisation with the social rights standards promulgated by the (Revised) European Social Charter could achieve this objective. For this purpose, the chronological development of social rights protection under EU law and the Council of Europe framework are analysed and their interaction is delineated. Moreover, two case studies are conducted to assess the current divergences between the two protection systems and examine the potential risk of future conflicts concerning EU Member States' obligations. Lastly, the PhD project evaluates different possibilities of increasing harmonisation and/or cooperation between EU law and the European Social Charter, focusing in particular on the proposal of EU accession to the (Revised) European Social Charter.