27ste Ius Commune congresMaastricht, donderdag 11 en vrijdag 12 mei 2023
Programma - Buitenplaats Vaeshartelt - Foto's
Conference Venue: Buitenplaats Vaeshartelt Weert 9 6222 PG Maastricht |
Thursday, 11 May 2023 |
10.00 |
Registration and Coffee (Coffee Corner, first floor) |
Plenary session |
Meeting room 10, 11 & 12 |
Chair: Jan Smits, Dean Faculty of Law, Maastricht University |
11.00 |
Welcoming address
Jan Smits |
11.15 |
Keynote speech
Pauline Phoa, Researcher and assistant professor, Utrecht University
Self, Other, World, Time: Understanding Narratives in Legal Language |
11.45 |
Keynote speech
Marija Bartl, Professor of Transnational Private Law, University of Amsterdam
After Neoliberalism: Law and a New Imaginary of Prosperity |
12.15 |
Discussion |
12.45 |
Lunch (The Ballroom + Fumoir) |
Workshops (Coffee and tea: central point) |
14.00 |
Evening Programme |
18.15 |
Reception (The Ballroom) |
19.15 |
Dinner (Fumoir + Bistro) Presentation Ius Commune Prize 2023 Presentation Ius Commune Certificates |
Friday, 12 May 2023 |
Workshops (Coffee and tea: central point) |
9.00 |
12.00 |
Lunch (The Ballroom)
Lunch Meeting Postgraduate Council (Bistro + Fumoir) |
Plenary session |
Meeting room 10, 11 & 12 |
Chair: Mieke Olaerts, member of the board of the Research School Ius Commune |
13.00 |
Keynote speech
Herke Kranenborg, Professor in European Data Protection and Privacy Law, Maastricht University
Do Member States Have a "Margin of Appreciation" When Assessing Necessity Under the GDPR? |
13.30 |
Discussion |
13.55 |
Mieke Olaerts, Professor of Comparative and National Company Law, Maastricht University |
Workshops (Coffee and tea: central point) |
14.00 |
Deze pagina's bevatten een overzicht van alle activiteiten die door, in samenwerking met of met steun van de Ius Commune Onderzoekschool worden georganiseerd.
Contacteer Mevr. M. Mullers, beheerder van de Onderzoekschool, voor meer informatie of om een activiteit in deze lijst op te nemen. |