- Conference: Commission on European Family Law (CEFL). 'Common Core and Better Law in European Family Law' (Utrecht, Thursday 9 - Saturday 11 December 2004)
- 9th Ius Commune Congress (Leuven, Thursday 25 - Friday 26 November 2004)
- Congres: Het nieuwe kooprecht (Leuven, Friday 1 October 2004)
- Conference: The Challenge of Implementing New Regulatory Initiatives (Leuven, Friday 17 - Saturday 18 September 2004)
- Seminar: Is there a Need for a European Contract Law? Empirical Perspectives (Maastricht, Friday 4 June 2004)
- Colloquium: Le droit des obligations contractuelles et le bicentenaire du code civil (Namur, Wednesday 28 April 2004)
- Seminar: De juridische methode in onderzoek en onderwijs (naar aanleiding van het boek van M.W. Hesselink, Contractenrecht in perspectief) (Amsterdam, Friday 19 March 2004)
- Séminaire de doctorat France-Belgique (Leuven, Wednesday 25 February 2004)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.