- Sixth Walter van Gerven Lecture: "European and National Property Law: Osmosis or Growing Antagonism?" (Leuven, Thursday 21 December 2006)
- International Conference: "The Bottom-Up Approach to Comparative Law" (Leuven, Thursday 21 December 2006)
- Studiedag Nieuw Vlaams Bodemdecreet (Hasselt, Monday 18 December 2006)
- Naar een Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening (University of Amsterdam, Friday 8 December 2006)
- Studiedag Nieuw Vlaams Bodemdecreet. (Kortrijk, Monday 5 December 2006)
- Studiedag Nieuw Vlaams Bodemdecreet. (Leuven, Monday 4 December 2006)
- 11th Ius Commune Congress (Utrecht, Thursday 30 November - Friday 1 December 2006)
- Introductory Days PhD Training Programme (Maastricht, Monday 25 - Tuesday 26 September 2006)
- Promovendi Masterclass (Amsterdam, Thursday 7 - Friday 8 September 2006)
- Seminar on Multilevel Regulation (The Hague, Monday 26 - Tuesday 27 June 2006)
- Expert Round Table Seminar: "Presentation Principles of European Tort Law" (Leuven, Friday 19 May 2006)
- Promovendi Training Programme: "The Foundations of Ius Commune" (Maastricht, Tuesday 4 - Thursday 6 April 2006)
- Promovendi Training Programme: "Comparative Law" (Utrecht, Wednesday 18 - Friday 20 January 2006)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.