- Studiedag Centrum voor Milieurecht Universiteit van Amsterdam 'Juridisering in het omgevingsrecht' (Amsterdam, Thursday 18 December 2008)
- 1st UU Legal Research Master International Conference 'Challenges for New EU Member States; Discussions from a
national perspective' (Utrecht, Monday 8 December 2008)
- 13th Ius Commune Congress (Amsterdam, Thursday 27 - Friday 28 November 2008)
- Symposium: 'Derden in het Privaatrecht' (Amsterdam, Friday 21 November)
- Congres: De nieuwe Wet ruimtelijke ordening (Amsterdam, Tuesday 30 September 2008)
- Introduction Meeting Ius Commune Ph.D. Training Programme 2008 - 2009 (Maastricht, 22 and 23 September 2008)
- Kick-off meeting programme Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy (Maastricht, Thursday 28 August 2008)
- Conference: 'The Aarhus Convention at Ten: Interactions and Tensions between Conventional International Law and EU Environmental Law' (Amsterdam, Wednesday 25 June 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Martijn Hesselink: 'Social Justice in the Common Frame of Reference' (Monday 2 June 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Melvin Eisenberg (UC Berkeley, Columbia University). (Amsterdam, Monday 19 May 2008)
- Workshop 'Fiscaliteit en milieu. Een update over milieu-, energie- en leegstandsheffingen' (Diepenbeek, Thursday 15 May 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Jaap Barneveld: 'Distributions to shareholders - a comparative analysis' (Amsterdam, Monday 28 April 2008)
- Access to Justice (workshop series: One Europe, One Judge. Harmonization of Civil Law and Harmonization of Civil Procedure: Complements or Substitutes) (Amsterdam, Friday 18 April 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Rieme-Jan Tjittes (VU): 'The Constitution of Contracts: Converging Trends under Common Law and Civil Law' (Amsterdam, Monday 21 April 2008)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2007 - 2008. Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, Monday 7 - Wednesday 9 April 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Maaike Voorhoeve: 'The Position of Women in Tunisian Family Law' (Amsterdam, Monday 7 April 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. John Cartwritght (University of Oxford, Christ Church / Leiden). (Amsterdam, Monday 24 March 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Jaap Baaij Interpretation, Translation and Harmonization - European Contract Law and Multilingualism. (Amsterdam, Monday 17 March 2008)
- Harmonization of intellectual property for the knowledge economy (workshop series: One Europe, One Judge. Harmonization of Civil Law and Harmonization of Civil Procedure: Complements or Substitutes) (Amsterdam, Friday 14 March 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (together with ACLE). Workshop The role of (internationally) mandatory rules in a multi-level European system of private law (Amsterdam, Monday 18 February 2008)
- The role of (internationallly) mandatory rules in a multi-level European system of private law (workshop series: One Europe, One Judge. Harmonization of Civil Law and Harmonization of Civil Procedure: Complements or Substitutes) (Amsterdam, Monday 18 February 2008)
- The role of the European Courts in the harmonization of national access to justice rules (workshop series: One Europe, One Judge. Harmonization of Civil Law and Harmonization of Civil Procedure: Complements or Substitutes) (Amsterdam, Friday 15 February 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Martijn Hesselink - A European legal science? (Amsterdam, Monday 4 February 2008)
- Seminar Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Muriel Fabre-Magnan (Université Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris) - Autonomie personne, indisponibilité du corps humain et justice sociale. (Amsterdam, Monday 21 January 2008)
- Comparative Law Research in Theory and in Practice. Ius Commune postgraduate traning course 2007 - 2008 (Utrecht, Wednesday 16 - Friday 18 January 2008)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.