- Studiedag Centrum voor Milieurecht: 'Duurzame energie. Juridische kansen en belemmeringen' (Amsterdam, Thursday 10 December 2009)
- Conference: EU - Turkey Relations: Free Movement of Persons (Amsterdam, Friday 4 December 2009)
- 14th Ius Commune Conference (Maastricht, Thursday 26 - Friday 27 November 2009)
- Studienammiddag: REACH Knelpunten en oplossingen bij de uitvoering door de overheid en het bedrijfsleven (Hasselt, Tuesday 24 November 2009)
- Conference: Environmental Law and Policy in the European Union: The Legacy of the Treaty of Amsterdam (Thursday 19 November 2009)
- Congres: 10 jaar contracteren (Utrecht, Friday 6 November 2009)
- Conference: The Eclipse of Legality in Europe. Legitimation, Attribution and Regulation of Public Authority within a Multi Level Legal Order (Utrecht, Thursday 5 November 2009)
- Seminar: European Private Law and its Ingredients (Tilburg, Wednesday 4 November 2009)
- Symposium Parliamentary Control and Military Missions (Maastricht, Friday 23 October 2009)
- Seminar 'The effect of the EC Treaty in private law. On direct and indirect horizontal effect of primary community law' (Amsterdam, Monday 19 Octobr 2009)
- Introduction Meeting Ius Commune Ph.D. Training Programme 2009 - 2010 (Maastricht, Monday 28 - Tuesday 29 September 2009)
- Conference on Shareholder Democracy (Maastricht, Friday 18 September 2009)
- How can the European Union get out of the financial crisis? (Maastricht, Tuesday 23 June 2009)
- Masterclass Amsterdam. Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2008 - 2009 (Amsterdam, Thursday 11 - Friday 12 June 2009)
- Congres: 'De kredietcrisis: Europese staatssteunregels in de uitverkoop?' (Utrecht, Tuesday 2 June 2009)
- Masterclass Leuven. Ius Commune postgraduate training course (Leuven, Thursday 28 - Friday 29 May 2009)
- Symposium 'Het nieuwe echtscheidingsrecht' (Amstedam, Wednesday 20 May 2009)
- Maastricht, 20 May 2009, Environmental Law Expert Meeting: 'The European position towards Copenhagen: A Global Outlook' (Maastricht, Wednesday 20 May 2009)
- Conference 'Economic Law in Times of Economic Hardship' (Leuven, Tuesday 19 May 2009)
- Conference 'Federalism, the Rule of Law and the Role of the Judiciary' (Leuven, Monday 18 May 2009)
- Symposium 'Het Weboek Napoleon, ingerigt voor het Koningrijk Holland' (Utrecht, Friday 15 May 2009)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2008 - 2009. Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, Monday 20 - Wednesday 22 April 2009)
- Round Table Conference 'Shifts in Governance at the Physical and Legal Borders of Europe: In search of Accountability' (Utrecht, Friday 17 April 2009)
- Conference: The EP in an ever changing Union: where to go from here? (Maastricht, Thursday 5 - Friday 6 March)
- Conference: 'European Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading: Lessons to be Learned' (Maastricht, Thursday 29 - Friday 30 January)
- Symposium ontwerp EG-richtlijn consumentenrechten (Amsterdam, Wednesday 28 January 2009)
- Comparative Law Research in Theory and in Practice. Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2008 - 2009 (Utrecht, Wednesday 14 - Friday 16 January 2009)
- Seminar 'The European Company Law Action Plan 2003 revisited' (Leuven, Friday 9 January 2009)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.