- Colloquium: European Contract Law: To an Optional Tool for the Practitioners? (Brussels, Friday 3 December 2010)
- 15th Ius Commune Conference (Leuven, Thursday 25 and Friday 26 November 2010)
- 8th International Colloquium - European Insurance Law: International Insurance Contracts in the European Union: a New Legal Framework (Brussels, Thursday 28 October 2010)
- Ius Commune workshop 'The Consumer in Public Law' (Utrecht, Friday 22 October 2010)
- Introduction Meeting Ius Commune Ph.D. Training Programme 2010 - 2011 (Maastricht, Monday 27 - Tuesday 28 September 2010)
- International Pension Conference: 'Pension Reform in Europe? Economic and Legal Aspects (Maastricht, Sunday 10 - Tuesday 12 October 2010)
- XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law (Washington DC, Sunday 25 July - Sunday 1 August 2010)
- Masterclass Amsterdam. Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2009 - 2010 (Amsterdam, Thursday 24 - Friday 25 June 2010)
- Conference: Civil Litigation in a Globalizing World: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (Rotterdam, Thursday 17 - Friday 18 June 2010)
- International conference: 'The Draft Comman Frame of Reference (DCFR): a national and comparative perspective' (Kortrijk, Thursday 10 - Friday 11 June 2010)
- ESF-Liu Conference, The Responsibility to Protect: from Principle to Practice (Linköping - Sweden, Tuesday 8 - Saturday 12 June 2010)
- Congres: 'De Hoge Raad in 2025'. De contouren van de toekomstige cassatierechtspraak (Utrecht, Friday 4 June 2010)
- Symposium: 'Oneerlijke handelspraktijken' (Amsterdam, Friday, 28 May 2010)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2009 - 2010. Masterclass Leuven (Leuven, Thursday 27 - Friday 28 May 2010)
- Conference on Party Autonomy in Property Law (Rotterdam, Thursday 27 - Friday 28 May 2010)
- Lecture: Law and Multilingualism in Historical Context. Legal Translation and the Bilingual Publication of Roman Imperial Constitutions by: Dr. Anna E. Plisecka (Amsterdam, Tuesday 25 May 2010)
- Conference on: Legal Methodology (Utrecht, Wednesday 21 April 2010)
- Workshop: Consumers' Participation Rights in Competition Law Procedure (Amsterdam, Friday 16 April 2010)
- Conference: 'Quality and Speed of Administrative Decision-Making Proceedings: Tension or Balance?' (Maastricht, Friday 9 April 2010)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2009 - 2010. Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, Monday 29 - Wednesday 31 March 2010)
- The European Dimensions of Education Policies (Maastricht, Sunday 21 - Monday 22 March 2010)
- Prof. Eric Posner (University of Chicago) will present his paper: The Right to Withdrawal in Contract Law (Amsterdam, Monday 15 March 2010)
- Workshop 'Distributional choices in climate policies' (Maastricht, Friday 5 March 2010)
- Conference: Civil Servants and Politics - A Delicate Balance (Maastricht, Thursday 4 - Friday 5 March 2010)
- Symposium 'Evaluatie Wet koop onroerende zaken' (Utrecht, Thursday 18 February 2010)
- Academische Winterlezing 2010: Dwaling, remedies en effecten: dogmatiek onder druk van efficiëntie (Rotterdam, Friday 5 February 2010)
- Conference 'The European future of Property Law' (Amsterdam, Friday 28 January 2010)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2009 - 2010. Comparative Law Research in Theory and in Practice (Utrecht, Wednesday 27 - Friday 29 January 2010)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.