- CSECL Seminar: The Consumer Rights Bill - a missed opportunity to codify UK Consumer Law, by Prof. Christian W. Twigg-Flesner (Law School, University of Hull) (Amsterdam, Monday 15 December 2014)
- ACELG presentation: 'The German Constitutional Court and the EU Financial Architecture', by Dr Niels Petersen (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods) (Amsterdam, Wednesday 10 December 2014)
- Workshop on the Use of Comparative Law and Foreign Case Law in Legal Education and Practice (Brussels, Friday 5 December 2014)
- 19th Ius Commune Conference (Edinburgh, Thursday 27 - Friday 28 November 2014)
- ACCESS Europe conference: 'The Moral Limits of the Internal Market' (Amsterdam, Friday 21 November 2014)
- Fourth ACELG Annual Conference: 'Ten Years of Decentralized EU Competition Law Enforcement. Success or Failure?' (Amsterdam, Friday 14 November 2014)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Constitutional Federalism and the EU: A Question of Standards', by Prof. Robert Schütze (Professor of European Law at Durham University) (Amsterdam, Monday 10 November 2014)
- ACELG presentation: 'The Political Accountability of EU Agencies. What can we learn from the US experience?', by Dr Miroslava Scholten (Utrecht University) (Amsterdam, Monday 3 November 2014)
- Conference on law and politics - recht en politiek (Utrecht, Friday 31 October 2014)
- ACELG Presentation: 'Fundamental Rights in Europe', by Dr Federico Fabbrini (Senior Assistant Professor of European & Comparative Constitutional Law at Tilburg University) (Amsterdam, Wednesday 22 October 2014)
- 'Proceduralisation of EU law through the backdoor', international workshop is to examine to what extent EU substantive legislation harmonises procedural standards in different policy fields in as far as that they are necessary to achieve the full effectiveness of the substantive law provisions. (Brussels, Monday 20 - Tuesday 21 October 2014)
- CSECL Seminar: 'Boilerplate: A Threat to the Rule of Law? ', by Prof. Margaret Jane Radin (Henry King Ransom Professor of Law at University of Michigan Law School) (Amsterdam, Monday 20 October 2014)
- 'Enforcing Corporate Social Responsibility: Transforming voluntary corporate codes into private law obligations?', Workshop on research by the UM-HiiL-Chair on the Internationalisation of Law (Maastricht, Friday 17 October 2014)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Thinking About the Box. Socio-historical Perspectives on the Transnational Fabric of EU Law', by Professor Antoine Vauchez (CNRS Research professor at the Université Paris 1-Sorbonne, Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique) (Amsterdam, Monday 13 October 2014)
- Round Table: '200 Years Savigny and Thibaut: The Codification Debate Revisited' (Maastricht, Friday 10 October 2014)
- A roundtable with Peter Lindseth, on 10th October 2014 (Co-organised by ACCESS Europe and VU-CELS): 'What's in a label? Understanding the EU in constitutional, executive, and/or administrative terms', (Amsterdam, Friday 10 October 2014)
- ACELG PhD workshop: Methodological approaches to legitimacy in EU legal research, with Prof. Peter Lindseth (University of Connecticut) (Amsterdam, Thursday, 9 October 2014)
- Academic workshop: 'The Dutch Kinderpardon and the USA DreamAct (Amsterdam, Wednesday 8 October 2014)
- Introduction Meeting Ius Commune Ph.D. Training Programme 2014-2015 (Maastricht, Monday 29 September - Tuesday 30 September 2014)
- Colloquium about the Context, Criteria and Consequences of Expropriation Law, to be held at the Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut in Rome from 25 to 27 September 2014 (Rome, Thursday 25 - Saturday 27 September 2014)
- Second European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) Conference (Brussels, Wednesday 10 - Friday 12 September 2014)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2013 - 2014. Master class Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Thursday 3 - Friday 4 July 2014)
- ACELG presentation: '"Nigeria votes no to EPAs". A possible modern prince in the age of transnational economic governance', by Dr Patricia Lenaghan (Associate Professor in the department of Mercantile Law at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa) (Amsterdam, Thursday 3 July 2014)
- CSECL seminar: 'Jurisdiction and applicable law in the field of data protection', by Dr. Maja Brkan (Assistant Professor Maastricht University) (Amsterdam, Monday 30 June 2014)
- Colloquium 50 Years Costa/ENEL:Settling the supremacy of European law? Interdisciplinary perspectives on 50 years Costa/ENEL (Amsterdam, Thursday 26 June 2014)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Codification: Its Time has not yet Come', by Prof. Hans Micklitz (Professor for Economic Law at the European University Institute) (Amsterdam, Monday 23 June 2014)
- Conference on Procedural Rights in Competition Law (Beijing, Friday 20 June 2014)
- ERA conference, 'Buying & Owning Property in Europe' (Trier, Monday 16 - Tuesday 17 June 2014)
- Academic seminar: 'A global market for higher education or a global research area - what does the EU contribute?' (Leeds, Wednesday 11 June 2014)
- ACELG Presentation: 'Landtová and the Problem of an Uncooperative Court Implications for the Preliminary Rulings Procedure', by Prof. Michal Bobek (College of Europe, Bruges) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 10 June 2014)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2013-2014. Master Class Leuven (Leuven, Thursday 6 - Friday 6 June 2014)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: '"Says Who?" - Interpretive Authority in Transnational Regulatory Regimes', by Prof. Julia Black (London School of Economics and Political Science) (Amsterdam, Monday 19 May 2014)
- RENFORCE conference: Legitimate Delegation of Regulatory and Enforcement Powers to EU Agencies? (Utrecht, Friday 16 May 2014)
- ACELG presentation: 'A geostrategic map of the EU judiciary', by Dr Arthur Dyevre (KU Leuven) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 6 May 2014)
- CSECL seminar: 'Do the right thing: indirect remedies in private law', by Prof. Daphna Lewinsohn-Zamir (Hebrew University) (Amsterdam, Monday 28 April 2014)
- International conference on Public and Private Enforcement of European Private Law: Perspectives and Challenges (Groningen, Friday 25 april 2014)
- ACELG and ACCESS EUROPE presentation: 'New Governance and the European Union. An Empirical and Conceptual Critique, by professor Kenneth Armstrong (University of Cambridge) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 22 April 2014)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'At the Edge of Chaos? Foreign Investment Law As A Complex Adaptive System, How It Emerged and How It Can Be Reformed', by Prof. Joost Pauwelyn (Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva, Switzerland and Co-Director of the Institute’s Centre for Trade and Economic Integration (CTEI)) (Amsterdam, Wednesday 16 April 2014)
- ACELG Presentation: 'National Parliaments in the Eurozone Crisis. Challenges and Transformations ', by Dr Cristina Fasone (European University Institute & LUISS Guido Carli School of Government) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 15 April 2014)
- Ius Commune Postgraduate Training course 2013-2014. Comparative Law Research and Methodology (Utrecht, Thursday 3 - Friday 4 April 2014)
- CSECL Seminar, 'The Taxonomy Problem in Comparative Law: A German Case Study', by Prof. Russell Miller (Washington and Lee university) (Amsterdam, Monday 31 March 2014)
- CSECL Seminar, Private Law Theory Series: 'Snowball Inequality: Meritocracy and the Crisis of Capitalism', by Prof. Daniel Markovits (Yale Law School) (Amsterdam, Monday 24 March 2014)
- 2014 TEFAF conference: 'Whose culture is it? On cultures of authenticity and ownership in art and cultural heritage' (Maastricht, Sunday 23 - Monday 24 March)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Postnational Rule: From the constitutional state to loosely coupled authorities', by Michael Zürn (Professor of International Relations at the Free University Berlin and Director of the Research Unit ‘Global Governance’ at Berlin Social Science Centre WZB) (Amsterdam, Monday 17 March 2014)
- ACELG lecture: 'Opting Out of the European Union Sovereignty, Diplomacy and European Integration', by Rebecca Adler-Nissen (University of Copenhagen) (Amsterdam, Thursday 13 March 2014)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Private Transnational Law (Lex Mercatoria)', by Hugh Collins (Vinerian Professor of English Law at Oxford University, All Souls College) (Amsterdam, Monday 17 February 2014)
- Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance presentation: 'State Antitrust Law in a Federal System. Some Perspectives on the U.S. Experience', by Larry Sorkin (Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP / Fordham University) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 11 Feburary 2014)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Does the Court of Justice of the EU make law? If so, why?', by Eleanor Sharpston (Advocate General at the Court of Justice) (Amsterdam, Monday 3 February 2014)
- Conference: 'Private Law and the Basic Structure of Society' (Amsterdam, Friday 31 January 2014)
- Ius Commune Postgraduate training course 2013 - 2014. Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, Monday 27 - Wednesday 29 January 2014)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'The Project of Constitutional Sociology Irritating Nation State Constitutionalism', by Professor Gunther Teubner (Permanent Visiting Professor at Peking University and Koguan University Shanghai; former Otto Kahn Freund Professor at the London School of Economics; at present he is Principal Investigator at the Excellence Cluster 'Normative Orders' at the Goethe-University Frankfurt) (Amsterdam, Monday 20 January 2014)
- Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Presentation: 'Global Governance by Experts. What Role for Accountability in Regulatory Science?' by Dr Alessandra Arcuri (Associate Professor of International Economic Law at the Erasmus School of Law (ESL), Erasmus University Rotterdam) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 14 January 2014)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.