- MEPLI Round Table Conference: What is Private Law For? On Choice, Empowerment and Protection (Maastricht, Friday 16 December 2016)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'The Data Cops - A Call for Transparency and Accountability', by Deirdre Curtin (Professor of European Law, European University Institute, Joint Chair of the Law Department and the Robert Schuman Centre, Professor of European Law and Governance, University of Amsterdam) (Amsterdam, Monday 12 December 2016)
- 21st Ius Commune Congress (Maastricht, Thursday 24 and Friday 25 November 2016)
- Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance & Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence seminar: 'Forward or Back: The Future of European Integration and the Impossibility of the Status Quo', by Dr Ronan McCrea (University College London) (Amsterdam, Tuesday, 22 November 2016)
- 6th ACELG Annual Conference on The Rule of Law in the Technological Age (Amsterdam, Friday 4 November 2016)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Who Cares about International law? Can the legitimacy of IC's be studied through who cites them?', by Marlene Wind (Professor of Politics (Department of Political Science) and Professor of Law and a founding member of iCourts, at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen) (Amsterdam, Monday 31 October 2016)
- ACELG presentation: 'Judicial Protection of Human Rights against Austerity Measures', by René Repasi (European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance) (Amsterdam, Wednesday 26 October 2016)
- CSECL-ACLE seminar: 'Bankruptcy on the Side', by Prof. Prof. Kenneth Ayotte (Berkeley Law, University of California) (Amsterdam, Wednesday 12 October 2016)
- MEPLI Roundtable on Alternative Approaches to Legal Convergence (Maastricht, Wednesday 5 October 2016)
- International Conference: ‘Towards Sustainable Financial Services in the EU: Making Sense of the Trend’ (Amsterdam, Friday 30 September 2016)
- CSECL birthday conference: 'European Private Law at the Time of Growing Inequality' (Amsterdam, Friday 30 September 2016)
- Introduction Meeting Ius Commune Ph.D. Training Programme 2016-2017 (Monday 26 - Tuesday 27 September 2016)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2015 - 2016. Masterclass Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Thursday 16 June 2016)
- ACELG Presentation: 'Beyond Networks - Civil Society Coalitions and the Globalization of Participatory Democracy', by Dr Gianluca Sgueo (New York University Florence & Vesalius College Brussels) (Amsterdam, Tuesday 14 June 2016)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2015-2016. Master Class Leuven (Leuven, Thursday 9 - Friday 10 June 2016)
- ACELG Presentation: 'Foreign Policy Objectives in European Constitutional Law. E Pluribus Cohaerente?', by: Joris Larik (Assistant Professor of Comparative, European, and International Law at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University, and Senior Researcher at The Hague Institute for Global Justice) (Amsterdam, Wednesday 8 June 2016)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Aviation and Shipping after the Paris Agreement.Private Standards and the Role of the EU', by Joanne Scott (University College London) (Amsterdam, Mondag 30 May 2016)
- ACELG symposium: 'Turkey and the European Union - Common Interests or Divergent Paths?' (Amsterdam, Monday 30 May 2016)
- Faculty of Law - Hasselt University: 'Oil and gas development in the Arctic - International law and Russian policy', lecture by Prof. dr. Alexander Vylegzhanin (Head of International Law Department Moscow State Institute of International Relations) (Hasselt, Thursday 26 May 2016)
- 7th Annual Meeting of the Association for Law, Property and Society (ALPS) (Belfast, Friday 20 - Saturday 21 May 2016)
- LRM Conference 2016: ‘Blending the Public and the Private: Privatisation of Public Law and Enforcement’ (Utrecht, Friday 20 May 2016)
- Montaigne lecture: 'The Gap between facts and values', by Prof.r Tom R. Tyler (Yale Law School) (Utrecht, Friday 20 May 2016)
- ACELG & ACCESS EUROPE presentation: 'The Capital Markets Union: An 'Ever Closer Union' for the EU Financial System?, by Prof. Niamh Moloney (London School of Economics and Political Science) (Amsterdam, Wednesday 18 May 2016)
- Institutions for Open Societies lecture: 'Citizen trust and the legitimacy of democratic governance', by Prof. Tom R. Tyler (Yale Law School) (Utrecht, Thursday 12 May 2016)
- Ius Commune Postgraduate Training course 2015-2016. Comparative Law Research and Methodology (Utrecht, Thursday 28 - Friday 29 April 2016)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'The Emergence of Transnational Governance and the Function of Law', by Poul F. Kjær (Copenhagen Business School) (Amsterdam, Monday 18 April 2016)
- Symposium Libri feudorum (Utrecht, Friday 15 April 2016)
- Conference: 'Smart Mixes in relation to Transboundary Environmental Harm' (Rotterdam, Friday 15 April 2016)
- Expert Roundtable Meeting on Urgenda (Groningen, Thursday 31 March 2016)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Global Administrative Law: Its Power and Its Limits', by Lorenzo Casini (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies of Lucca) (Amsterdam, Monday 14 March 2016)
- International Workshop: 'Beyond a Tipping Point? China's Climate Policy and the Paris Summit' (Leuven, Friday 26 February 2016)
- Conference From common rules to best practices in European Civil Procedure (Rotterdam, Thursday 25 and Friday 26 February 2016)
- Ius Commune Postgraduate training course 2015 - 2016. Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, Monday 25 - Wednesday 27 January 2016)
- ACELG Presentation, 'TTIP - Trade, Trust and Interest Protection after the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement - a Citizen’s Perspective', by Prof. Nanette Neuwahl (University of Montreal) (Amsterdam, Wednesday 20 January 2016)
- ACELG Architecture Dialogue Series: 'Coping with Disciplinary Anxieties', by Sahib Singh (University of Helsinki & University of Cambridge) (Amsterdam, Monday 18 January 2016)
- Conference: 'The Reform of the Regulatory State' (Maastricht, Tuesday 12 January 2016)
- CSECL Seminar: 'Online Price Discrimination and Data Protection Law', by Frederik J. Zuiderveen Borgesius (Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam) (Amsterdam, Monday 11 January 2016)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.