- International Conference 'Private Law and Market Regulation in the Face of Contemporary Grand Challenges (Groningen, Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 December 2019)
- 10 Years Treaty of Lisbon. Still fit for Purpose (Utrecht, Friday 6 December 2019)
- Desinformatie en de democratische rechtsstaat (Utrecht, Monday 2 December 2019)
- 24th Ius Commune Conference (Leuven, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 November 2019)
- ELS Platform is organising a research symposium on 'Synergy between ELS and classical legal research' (Leiden, Friday 22 November 2019)
- Yearly conference of the Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law: 'The Role of Civil, Criminal and (European) Administrative Law in Redressing an Alleged Lack of Good Government' (Utrecht, Friday 8 November 2019)
- Final conference of the Judges in Utopia Project (Amsterdam, Thursday 7 and Friday 8 November 2019)
- ACES Symposium:'Discussing Climate Change with Future Generations' (Amsterdam, Thursday 31 October 2019)
- Conference on 'Agency theory in the 21st Century' (Maastricht, Friday 25 October 2019)
- Introduction Meeting Ius Commune Ph.D. Training Programme 2019-2020 (Maastricht, Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 October 2019)
- Symposium on Law and Language (Maastricht, Thursday 26 and Friday 27 September 2019)
- Concluding Conference: Cross-border Corporate Mobility in Europe (Brussels, Thursday 26 September 2019)
- Jointly seminar organized by Moves and Item: 'Freedom of movement in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine' (Maastricht, Monday 23 September 2019)
- International conference: 'Contract and Property with an environmental perspective' (Leuven, Thursday 5 September 2019)
- Workshop: Judicial and extra-judicial challenges in the EU multi- and cross-level administrative framework (Brussels, Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 July 2019)
- International and Interdisciplinary conference: 'The Transparent Trap: Disclosing Information to Consumers' (Amsterdam, Thursday 4 and Friday 5 July 2019)
- Taking Wealth Seriously: European Practice with Day Fines (Rotterdam, Wednesday 26 June 2019)
- 5th CLEER summer school on EU external relations law (UM campus Brussels, Monday 24 - Friday 28 June 2019)
- Conference: 'National Constitutional Identity 10 years On' (Maastricht, Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June 2019)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2018-2019. Masterclass Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Friday 21 June 2019)
- Ius Commune postgraduate training course 2018-2019. Master Class Leuven (Leuven, Thursday 6 - Friday 7 June 2019)
- Festival Europe (Utrecht, Saturday 18 May 2019)
- Conference: ‘The European Elections, 40 years after. Assessment, Issues and Prospects’ (Bordeaux, Thursday 9 and Friday 10 May 2019)
- Ius Commune Postgraduate Training course 2018-2019. Comparative Law Research and Methodology (Utrecht, Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 May 2019)
- Conference: 'The future of judicial review' (Maastricht, Friday 3 May 2019)
- 13th UCERF symposium: Recent Developments in Family Law (Utrecht, Thursday 18 April 2019)
- Workshop: Academia Meets Practice - Discussing International Humanitarian and Criminal Law with Experienced Practitioners (Leuven, Tuesday 2 April 2019)
- Conference: 'European Union Law Enforcement: The Evolution of Sanctioning Powers' (Turin, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 March 2019)
- Conference: 'Harmonisation in Environmental and Energy Law' (Hasselt, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 March)
- Two-day Conference on Harmonisation in Environmental and Energy Law (Hasselt, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 March 2019)
- Workshop: 'Art and Law: Current developments in turbulent times' (Maastricht, Wednesday 20 March 2019)
- Utrecht Leiden Winter School on Interdisciplinary Behavioural & Social Sciences 'The Beauty of Interdisciplinarity for Young Researchers: Call for Registration/Participation' (Utrecht, Thursday 7 and Friday 8 February 2019)
- Ius Commune Postgraduate training course 2018 - 2019: Foundations of Ius Commune (Maastricht, Monday 28 - Wednesday 30 January 2019)
- Conference: Reconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (Maastricht, Thursday 24 January 2019)
- Joint ACELG and ACES workshop: ' Accountability and Control of European Multilevel Administration' (Amsterdam, Monday 21 January 2019)
These pages contain an overview of all the activities organised by, in coorperation with or with support of the Ius Commune Ressearch School.
Please contact marjo.mullers@maastrichtuniversity.nl for further information or if you wish to add an activity to the list.