- The PhD researchers of the UHasselt Faculty of Law are proud to present the second edition of their Young Legal Researchers Conference. The overarching theme of the conference is 'Moving forward: Building societal resilience through law'. (online, vrijdag 17 december 2021)
- SUSA conference: Radically interdisciplinary and bottom-up solutions for making Amsterdam donut-proof (Amsterdam / Online, woensdag 1 december 2021)
- Seminar: 'The Impact of the EU Green Deal on Chinese trade and investment in Europe: Opportunities and challenges' (Online via Zoom, woensdag 1 december 2021)
- Due to the Covid-19 the Ius Commune Conference 2021 will be held in a virtual format. This means that the plenary sessions as well as the workshop sessions will be held online (Online hosted by Zoom, donderdag 25 en vrijdag 26 november 2021)
- Bonn Roundtable: New enforcement frameworks in the Union’s policies – first experiences, potentials and challenges (Bonn and online, donderdag 25 en vrijdag 26 november 2021)
- De allereerste bijeenkomst van de VvC in samenwerking met ACT (UvA), welke in het teken staan van Dark Patterns in het consumenrecht! (Amsterdam / online, dinsdag 16 november 2021)
- In het kader van de TPR-wisselleerstoel 2020 aan de Faculteit Rechten Universiteit Antwerpen houdt prof. dr. Machteld Vonk haar oratie met als titel: 'Hoeveel ouders mag, kan en wil je hebben?' (Antwerpen, woensdag 27 oktober 2021)
- IALS Webinar on Comparative Law and the Covid-19 Pandemic (online, dinsdag 26 oktober 2021)
- Ius Commune Promovendi-opleiding 2021-2022: Introductiedagen (Maastricht, maandag 18 en dinsdag 19 oktober 2021 (optioneel donderdag 21 oktober))
- M-EPLI roundtable: Recognition of Punitive Damages Judgments (Online via Zoom, Donderdag 14 oktober 2021)
- Conference and Inaugural Lecture Prof. dr. van Zeben (Wageningen, donderdag 7 oktober 2021)
- Conference: Sustainable Development and the Law: Potential and Challenges of Using Behavioural Insights (Online, maandag 23 en dinsdag 24 september 2021)
- The research cooperation Transformative effects of Globalisation in Law invites you to its 2021 Conference Transformative effects of COVID-19 on Globalisation and law, which will take place online on 16-17 September 2021 (Online, donderdag 16 en vrijdag 17 september 2021)
- On 1 September 2021, Book 3 of the Belgian Civil Code will enter into force, resulting in a new legislative framework for Belgian property law. Professor Pascale Lecocq (University of Liège) and Professor Vincent Sagaert (University of Leuven), organize, to celebrate this historic event, on the eve a 'scientific party' (Online, dinsdag 31 augustus 2021)
- Ius Commune promovendiopleiding 2020-2021. Masterclass Amsterdam (online, vrijdag 2 juli 2021)
- Webinar: ' Global Regulators and EU law - Challenges for European Administrative Law' (Online, donderdag 17 - vrijdag 18 juni 2021)
- Two-week Summer School: 'Introduction to Data Science' (Online, 14 tot 28 juni 2021)
- Digital Services Act Webinar Series: 'Regulatory powers in the Digital Services Act', by Heleen Janssen and dr. Ben Wagner (online via Zoom, woensdag 9 juni 2021)
- Webinar: 'Transitioning towards sustainable European cities: a law and governance perspective' (Online, maandag 7 - dinsdag 8 juni 2021)
- Congres: 'International Class Action Regimes and Settling Mass Personal Injury' (Online, vrijdag 4 juni 2021)
- Ius Commune Promovendiopleiding 2020-2021: Masterclass Leuven (online, donderdag 27 en vrijdag 28 mei 2021)
- Digital Services Act Webinar Series: 'Intermediary liability and responsibility under the Digital Services Act', by Folkert Wilman (online via Zoom, woensdag 19 mei 2021)
- Ius Commune promovendiopleiding 2020-2021. Comparative Law Research and Methodology (Online, dinsdag 18 en woensdag 19 mei 2021)
- JMN EULEN Webinar on Artificial Intelligence Systems and EU Law Enforcement (online, vrijdag 14 mei 2021)
- Digital Services Act Webinar Series: 'Regulating Big Tech with the Digital Services Act', by Vanessa Mak (online via Zoom, donderdag 6 mei 2021)
- Online conference at Utrecht University: 'The European Union as a Circular Economy: Command & Control?' (online, vrijdag 30 april 2021)
- Online workshop: 'Behavioural Approaches to International Law' (Online, donderdag 22 en vrijdag 23 april 2021)
- Workshop on Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection (Online, donderdag 15 en vrijdag 16 april 2021)
- The Third Maastricht Private Law Lecture will be deliverd by Prof. dr. Vincent Sagaert (online, donderdag 22 april 2021)
- Researching Discrimination in E-Commerce and Online Advertising (Webinar, donderdag 4 en vrijdag 5 maart 2021)
First Ius Commune Café
The board and the PhD representatives of the Ius Commune Research School find it important that the young researchers of the School, even if they are at home, stay connected and have the opportunity to regularly exchange ideas and discuss their work.
In this regard, the Ius Commune Research School organizes a monthly Ius Commune Café for PhD students. (Online hosted by Zoom, maandag 15 februari 2021)- Conference of the Dutch Platform for Empirical Legal Studies (ELS) for starting ELS researchers (online, vrijdag 5 februari 2021)
- Online lunch discussion on 'How can we make the EU Single Market resilient?' (Online, vrijdag 29 januari 2021)
- Ius Commune Promovendiopleiding 2020-2021: Foundations of Ius Commune (Online hosted by Zoom, maandag 25 - woensdag 27 januari 2021)
- Digital conference: 'Talking law in the EU - clear language, rule of law and legitimacy in the European legal space' (Online, donderdag 21 en vrijdag 22 januari 2021)
Deze pagina's bevatten een overzicht van alle activiteiten die door, in samenwerking met of met steun van de Ius Commune Onderzoekschool worden georganiseerd.
Contacteer Mevr. M. Mullers, beheerder van de Onderzoekschool, voor meer informatie of om een activiteit in deze lijst op te nemen.