Ius Commune Research School
Maastricht University - University of Leuven - University of Utrecht - University of Amsterdam
The School
PhD Research
Ius Commune Prize
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Alphabetical Overview
Dr C.W. van Aartsen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr V. Abazi
(Maastricht University)
Mr K.S.A. van Abswoude
(Maastricht University)
Mrs L. Van Acker
(University of Leuven)
Prof G.H. Addink
(University of Utrecht)
P. Aertgeerts
(University of Leuven)
Prof A. Akkermans
(VU University Amsterdam)
Prof B. Akkermans
(Maastricht University)
Mr J. Akkermans
(University of Leuven)
Mrs O. Al Khatib
(University of Utrecht)
Prof A. Alen
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr Alessandrini
(Wageningen University & Research)
Mrs Dr I. Alexovicova
(Maastricht University)
Prof B. Allemeersch
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr L. de Almeida
(Wageningen University & Research)
Mr C.F. Anguita Oyarzún
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof M.V. Antokolskaia
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr N. Appermont
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mrs Dr S. Aras
(University of Zagreb)
Dr J.H.M. Arts
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr F.M. Auvray
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr L. Van Der Auwermeulen
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mrs V.S. Azizi
(Maastricht University)
Dr C.J.W. Baaij
(University of Utrecht)
Dr L.J. van der Baaren
(European University Institute)
Prof Ch.W. Backes
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs G. Bajrami
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr M.H.C. Bakker
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr M. Bartl
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs W.J. Bartstra
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs A. Bazrafkan
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof A. Beckers
(Maastricht University)
Mr C. Bedir
(Tilburg University)
Mrs T. Beekhuis
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr L.P.C. Belder
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs P. Van Belle
(University of Leuven)
Mr G. Bellenghi
(Maastricht University)
Mr E.E. van Bemmelen van Gent
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs K.J.S. Berg
(Maastricht University)
Mr Y.C. van de Berg
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof R.J. van den Bergh
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Prof A.M.J.A. Berkvens
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof A. Berlee
(Open Universiteit Nederland)
Mrs A. Berman
Mrs Dr N. Bernaz-Potter
(Wageningen University & Research)
Prof L.F.M. Besselink
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr D. Bettens
(University of Leuven)
Dr T.W.B. Beukers
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs A.V.J. van Beusekom
(University of Utrecht)
Dr A. Biard
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Prof J.W.A. Biemans
(University of Utrecht)
Dr Th. Biermeyer
(Maastricht University)
Mr M.N.A. Bin M Fuad
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr T.R. Bleeker
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs E. De Block
(University of Leuven)
Mr R. Bloemink
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Prof K. Boele-Woelki
(Bucerius Law School)
Dr N.J. de Boer
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr J.A. Boer
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs A. Boes
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr M.N. Boeve
(University of Utrecht)
Prof S. van den Bogaert
(Universiteit Leiden)
Dr S.J. Bogle
(University of Glasgow)
Mrs Dr A.H.H. Bollen-Vandenboorn
(Maastricht University)
Dr M. Bonelli
(Maastricht University)
Mr T. Bonne
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Prof G. Boogaard
(Universiteit Leiden)
Prof W.H. van Boom
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
Mrs Prof I. Boone
(University of Leuven)
Ms T.Q. de Booys
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs E. Börjedal
(Maastricht University)
Dr C. Borucki
(University of Leuven)
Mrs D. Bos
(Maastricht University)
Mrs R.S.M. Bosch
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Prof P.L.H. van den Bossche
(Maastricht University)
Prof M. Bourgeois
(University of Liège)
Mrs Dr G. Bouwman
(University of Utrecht)
Dr T. Bouwman
(Universiteit Leiden)
Prof E. Brans
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs M. Breskaya
(Maastricht University)
Dr A. van den Brink
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof J.E. van den Brink
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr M. Brkan
(Maastricht University)
Prof T. Broodryk
(University of Stellenbosch)
Mrs Dr E.R. Brouwer
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr V. Bruggeman
Dr C.J. de Bruijn
(Maastricht University)
Mr. M.Th. de Bruin
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M. Buddenbaum
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof C. Budzikiewicz
(Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Mrs L. Bueken
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Prof A.W.G.J. Buijze
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr E. Buitrago Diaz
(Maastricht University)
Dr W. Bull
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr L.E. Burgers
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr E.M. Busuioc
(Universiteit Leiden)
Dr A.H. Cáceres Solari
(Maastricht University)
Mr A. Van Caenegem
(University of Leuven)
Prof G. van Calster
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr N. Cammu
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mr M. Campbell
(University of Edinburgh)
Mrs A. Cassiers
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Dr C. Cauffman
(Maastricht University)
Dr J. de Cendra de Larragán
(IE University)
Mrs Dr U. Cerulus
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Dr P.C.H. Chan
(City University of Hong Kong)
Mrs C. Charisi
(Maastricht University)
Mr S. Charitakis
(Maastricht University)
Mr S.M. Charlton
(Universität Osnabrück)
Mrs Prof O.O. Cherednychenko
(University of Groningen)
Mrs Prof M.L.H.K. Claes
(Maastricht University)
Mr M.F. Claes
(University of Leuven)
Dr S.J.F.J. Claessens
(Maastricht University)
Mrs E. De Clercq
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr E. Cloots
Mr R.A.B. Cobussen-Schreuder
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof M. de Cock Buning
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof L.M. Coenraad
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr C.M. Colombo
(Maastricht University)
Mrs C.V. Colonna
(University of Utrecht)
Dr F. Coman Kund
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Dr G. Comparato
(Birkbeck, University of London)
Mrs Prof S. Cools
(University of Leuven)
Mr A. Cordina
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Dr L. Cortat
(Maastricht University)
Mrs E. Couperus
(Maastricht University)
Prof H. Cousy
(University of Leuven)
Dr R.J.E.H. Creemers
(Universiteit Leiden)
Mrs Dr K. Cseres
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr A. Cuomo
(Maastricht University)
Mr T. De Cuyper
(University of Leuven)
Mr P. Daem
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr L. Dai
(University of Utrecht)
Prof C.C. van Dam
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S. Daniels
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr D.L.M.Th. Dankers-Hagenaars
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof G. Dari-Mattiacci
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr V. Davio
(University of Leuven)
Prof M. Dawson
(Hertie School of Governance)
Mrs Dr C.H.H. Declerck
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mr S. Declercq
(University of Leuven)
Mrs M.-L. Degroote
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr T. Deibel
(University College Cork)
Prof K. Deketelaere
(University of Leuven)
Prof I.F. Dekker
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs J. Deklerck
(University of Leuven)
Mrs E. Delavari
(Maastricht University)
Mr R. Della Pia
(Maastricht University)
Dr M. Delnoy
(University of Liège)
Mrs Dr S. Demeyere
(University of Leuven)
Mrs C. Deprez
(University of Leuven)
Dr P. Dermine
(European University Institute)
Mrs S. Dethier
(University of Leuven)
Mr S. van Deursen
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs J.E. Devilee
(University of Utrecht)
Mr A.P.F. Devis
(University of Utrecht)
Prof W. Devroe
(University of Leuven - Maastricht University)
Mr K. Dewaele
(University of Leuven)
Dr B.M.M. Didden
(Maastricht University)
Prof G. van Dijck
(Maastricht University)
Prof A. van Doesum
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof T. Domej
(University of Zurich)
Mr J.H. Dondorp
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr E.G.D. van Dongen
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr A. Dori
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs A. Draghici
(Maastricht University)
Mrs V. Druţă
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr H. Du
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs N. Dube
(Maastricht University)
Dr A.P.W. Duijkersloot
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr J.M.L. van Duin
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr B.B. Duivenvoorde
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof S.K. Dura
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr E. Durmuş
(University of Antwerp)
Mr C.H. Dybus
(Tilburg University)
Mrs N.H.M. Ebbs
(University of Utrecht)
Mr S.B.J. Van Eekert
(University of Leuven)
Dr C. Eggett
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr H. van Eijken
(University of Utrecht)
Prof A.J.A.J. Eijsbouts
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof M. Eliantonio
(Maastricht University)
Dr K.H. Eller
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof Th.C.J.A. van Engelen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr E.F.D. Engelhard
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr L.F.H. Enneking
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mr A.T. Erdogan
(University of Edinburgh)
Prof.em. J.H.M. van Erp
(Maastricht University)
Dr F. Esposito
(NOVA University Lisbon)
Mr M.G. van Esterik
(University of Utrecht)
Prof M.G. Faure
(Maastricht University - Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Prof M. Fermeglia
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Dr F.J. Fernhout
(Maastricht University)
Mr S.B.A.S. Feyen
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Prof A. Firth
(University of Surrey)
Mrs Dr F.M. Fleurke
(Tilburg University)
Prof C. Forder
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr P. Foubert
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mrs E. Di Franco
(Maastricht University)
Mrs I. Gambardella
(University of Leuven)
Dr G.J. Garfias von Fürstenberg
(Maastricht University)
Mr J. Ge
(Maastricht University)
Prof K. Geens
(University of Leuven)
Mrs D.F. Georgoula
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof A. Gerbrandy
(University of Utrecht)
Dr N. Giannopoulos
(University of Utrecht)
Prof I. Giesen
(University of Utrecht)
Dr H.K. Gilissen
(University of Utrecht)
Dr P. Gillaerts
(University of Leuven)
Mr M.M.W. van Gils
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr C. Goanta
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr V. Golunova
(Maastricht University)
Dr M.E.A. Goodwin
(Tilburg University)
Mr Van Gool
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr A. Gorbatyuk
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr Y.M. Gordeeva
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mrs Dr N.H.A. Gorissen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M.B. Gracia
(Maastricht University)
Prof G.L. Gretton
(University of Edinburgh)
Prof H.A. Groen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs I.C.P. Groenland
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof G.R. de Groot
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S. de Groot
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs M. de Groot
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Dr F.A.G. Groothuijse
(University of Utrecht)
Prof F.W. Grosheide
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr D. Gruyaert
Mr J. Gruyters
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr N. Gundt
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr A. Gutierrez Raymondova
(University of Glasgow)
Mrs A.-K. Habbig
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs J. Haekens
(University of Leuven)
Prof M.N. Haentjens
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof.em. J.C. Hage
(Maastricht University)
Mrs A. Halilovic
(Maastricht University)
Dr D. Haljan
(University of Utrecht)
Prof J.J. Hallebeek
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr J. Hamers
(Maastricht University)
Dr S. Hardt
(Maastricht University)
Mrs A.L. Hardy
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S.A.M. Harleman
(University of Utrecht)
Prof T. Hartlief
(Maastricht University)
Mrs N. Harvey
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs B. van Hattum
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr L. Haworth
(King's College London)
Dr M.R. Hebly
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Dr D.J.B. Op Heij
(Tilburg University)
Dr M.A. Heldeweg
(University of Twente)
Mr K. Heller
(Maastricht University)
Mrs A. Hendricks
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Prof M.L. Hendrikse
(Open Universiteit Nederland - University of Amsterdam)
Prof J. Herbots
(University of Leuven)
Prof.em. A.W. Heringa
(Maastricht University)
Dr L. den Hertog
Prof M.W. Hesselink
(European University Institute)
Mr P. Heynen
(University of Leuven)
Dr T. Hick
(University of Leuven)
Mr P.D. Hildebrand
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr L. Hillary
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr I.J.D. Hillebrand Pohl
(Maastricht University)
Mrs G.A. Hindriks
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr C.O. Hoekstra
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr L. Hoffmann
Mrs L. Hofkens
(University of Leuven)
Mr R. Hollemans
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr B.M. Holligan
(University of Sussex)
Mr W.E. Hommes
(University of Utrecht)
Prof E.H. Hondius
(University of Utrecht)
Dr A.N. Honniball
(National University of Singapore)
Prof B. Hoops
(University of Groningen)
Mrs N. van der Horst
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs L.H.L. Hu
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs D. Huang
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M.L.W. Hubers
(Maastricht University)
Mr M.R. Hübner
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs L.M.F. Hummel
(University of Utrecht)
Prof H.T.P.M. van den Hurk
(Maastricht University)
Prof R. Ibarra Garza
(University of Monterrey)
Dr T. Iliopoulos
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mrs S. Imamovic
(Universiteit Hasselt - Maastricht University)
Mrs E.V. Irambona
(University of Leuven)
Ms N. Ismail
(Newcastle University)
Mrs Dr N. Ismaïli
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs T. Ivanchykava
(Maastricht University)
Mrs E.E. Jackson
(University of Utrecht)
Dr D. Jancic
(Queen Mary University of London)
Prof C.E.C. Jansen
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr A.M.L. Jansen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S.H.D. Jansen
(University of Leuven)
Dr P. Jansen
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs A.A.A. Janssen
(University of Utrecht)
Mr W.A. Janssen
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs C. Jaspers
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mr K. Jayaraman
(Maastricht University)
Mrs I. Jennekens
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr Ch.G. Jeppesen de Boer
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs L. Jeremiasova
(Maastricht University)
Mrs K. Jiang
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M. Jiang
Mrs Y.Y. Jing
(Maastricht University)
Mrs B.H. Jones
(Newcastle University)
Mrs Dr K.A.W.M. de Jong
(Universiteit Leiden)
Prof E.R. de Jong
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr H. de Jong
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs A.M. de Jong
(Maastricht University)
Prof A.W. Jongbloed
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr M. Jonker
(University of Utrecht)
Dr A.L. Jonkers
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs A. Joppe
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs M. Junuzović
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof G.T.J.M. Jurgens
(University of Utrecht)
Prof A.W.J. Kamperman Sanders
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr M. Kanetake
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs M. Kappé
(University of Leuven)
Mrs A.M. Karagianni
(University of Utrecht)
Dr B. Karolczyk
Dr M.T. Kawakami
(Maastricht University)
Dr A.M. Keessen
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof A.L.M. Keirse
(University of Utrecht)
Mr T.A.J. Kelder
(University of Utrecht)
Dr B. Kemp
(Maastricht University)
Dr J.J.H. van Kempen
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs N. Kerinc
(Maastricht University)
Dr B.P. Kerr
(University of Utrecht)
Dr A. Keur
Mrs F.M. de Kievit
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs S. Kitsou
(Maastricht University)
Dr A. Klap
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr A.J.M. Klein Wassink
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr R.J.Q. Klomp
(University of Amsterdam - University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof S. Klosse
(Maastricht University)
Prof H.J. de Kluiver
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr I. Koning
(Nyenrode Business Universiteit)
Dr C. Koolen
(University of Leuven)
Dr N. Kornet
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr L.S.J. Kortese
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs L. Kostense
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs A. Kovács
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Prof X.E. Kramer
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs B. Kramer
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr S.P.M. Kramer
(Maastricht University)
Prof H.B. Krans
(Universiteit Leiden)
Mr L. van Kreij
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs H.M.A. van der Kroef
(Maastricht University)
Mrs D.S. Kroese
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr S.A. Kruisinga
(University of Utrecht)
Mr A. Kudryavtsev
(Maastricht University)
Mrs L.F. Lalíková
(University of Utrecht)
Prof T.E. Lambooy
(Nyenrode Business Universiteit - University of Utrecht)
Mrs K.M. Landman
(University of Utrecht)
Dr P.M. Langbroek
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof T. de Lange
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
Mrs M. van der Lans
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mr A.G.S. Laschet
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof S.A.C.M. Lavrijssen
(Tilburg University)
Mrs Dr V. Lazić
(University of Utrecht)
Prof R.J.M. Lefeber
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr A. Lenaerts
(University of Leuven)
Mrs A. de Leo
(Maastricht University)
Dr C. Leone
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr M. Leszczynska
(Maastricht University)
Mrs F. Leucci
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Dr Y. Levashova
(Nyenrode Business Universiteit)
Mrs Dr Q. Li
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S.J. Liefers
(University of Utrecht)
Prof S. Lierman
(University of Leuven)
Mr C. Lilburn
(University of Edinburgh)
Mrs X. Lin
(Maastricht University)
Prof S.D. Lindenbergh
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Dr J. Liu
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Dr S. Loeffen
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr E. Loibl
(Maastricht University)
Mr S.E.J.M. Van Loock
(University of Leuven)
Mr W. Loof
(Maastricht University)
Prof M.B.M. Loos
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr Y. Lorans
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr T. Lu
(Maastricht University)
Mrs A.H. van Luipen
(Maastricht University)
Prof R.H.C. Luja
(Maastricht University)
Dr N.C. Luk
Dr J.A. Luzak
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof G.E. van Maanen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs C.S. Macdonald-Mulvihill
(University of Edinburgh)
Mrs Dr L.J. MacFarlane
(University of Edinburgh)
Dr A.D.J. MacPherson
(University of Aberdeen)
Mrs Dr C.B.P. Mahe
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof C. Mak
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof V. Mak
(Universiteit Leiden)
Mrs Prof E. Mak
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs E. Malathouni
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr B. Manby
(London School of Economics)
Mrs Dr L. Marin
(University of Twente)
Mr G. Marrero González
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M. Massant
(University of Leuven)
Dr J.H. Mathis
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr D. van Maurik
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr S.J. McGibbon
(Maastricht University)
Dr N. Meershoek
(University of Utrecht)
Dr A.P. van der Mei
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S.A. Melchers
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr P. Melin
(Maastricht University)
Dr T.P. Mennicken
(Maastricht University)
Mrs N. Menten
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr S. Menzione
(University of Leuven)
Mr P.J.T. Mertens
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M. Meulebrouck
(University of Leuven)
Mrs L.I. van der Meulen
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr R.C. Meurkens
(Maastricht University)
Dr M. Meyer
(Maastricht University)
Mr B. Michel
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr Y.A. Mijhad
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr J.M. Milo
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr A. Moerland-Dahrendorf
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M. Moerman
(Maastricht University)
Ms K. Mohamed
(Newcastle University)
Mrs Dr C.R. Mol
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr C. Molinari
(University of Leuven)
Dr R.A. Momberg Uribe
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)
Mrs V. Morozovaite
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr E. Muir
(University of Leuven)
Mr M.L. Munu
(Maastricht University)
Dr M.A.F. Muylle
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Dr P. Naaktgeboren
(University of Antwerp)
Dr. P. Naeyaert
(University of Leuven)
Mrs N. Naina
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M.M. Narciso
(Maastricht University)
Mrs D.R. Natakusumah
(Maastricht University)
Mrs E.E. Nauta
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs M. Neekilappillai
(Universiteit Leiden)
Dr R. Nehmelman
(University of Utrecht)
Dr F.J.G. Nellen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs L. Neven
(University of Leuven)
Mrs D. Nidel
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs R. Nieuwboer
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr A.J. Nieuwenhuis
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs M. Nieves Zárate
(University of Groningen)
Mrs D. Nikolakopoulou
(University of Utrecht)
Ms N.V. Nikolina
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr S.A. Nóbrega
(The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
Mr P. Notermans
(University of Leuven)
Prof P. Oberhammer
(University of Vienna)
Mrs M. Och
(University of Leuven)
Mrs A.E. Oderkerk
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs N.R. Okany
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof M. Olaerts
(Maastricht University)
Mr E. Omičević
(University of Utrecht)
Mr A.D. On
(Maastricht University)
Dr E.A. Ontanu
(Tilburg University)
Mrs Dr E.C. van Ooij
(Maastricht University)
Dr R.H. van Ooik
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs T.I. Oost
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr J. Oosterhuis
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S. Oosterhuis
(University of Utrecht)
Mr A. Ortega Navarro
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof A. Ott
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof A.T. Ottow
(University of Utrecht)
Mr J. Ouyang
(University of Groningen)
Mrs A.M. Overheul
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof G. van Overwalle
(University of Leuven)
Mr H.K. Özkonak
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs E. Pannebakker
(Universiteit Leiden)
Prof M.M.L.L. Pâques
(University of Liège)
Dr A. Parise
(Maastricht University)
Dr R.A. Partain
(University of Aberdeen)
Mr N. Parthenopoulos
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr C.M.D.S. Pavillon
(University of Groningen)
Mr K. Pedrosa
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mr F.A.J. Peerboom
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr M.G.W.M. Peeters
(Maastricht University)
Prof C.E. du Perron
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof M. Pertegás Sender
(Maastricht University)
Dr A.S.S. Peterson
(University of Glasgow)
Mrs D. Petropoulou Ionescu
(Maastricht University)
Dr N.J. Philipsen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr P.S. Phoa
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs M. Piers
(Ghent University)
Dr M.J. Plana Casado
(Wageningen University & Research)
Mrs Prof P.J. van der Plank
(Open Universiteit Nederland)
Mrs K. Plavec
(University of Vienna)
Mrs A.M. Pleniceanu
(Maastricht University)
Dr H.D. Ploeger
(Technical University of Delft)
Mrs Prof S. Prechal
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr S. Prent
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr D. Prévost
(Maastricht University)
Dr J.M. Prinssen
(University of Antwerp)
Prof K.P. Purnhagen
(University of Bayreuth)
Dr S. van de Put
(Maastricht University)
Prof G.T.M.J. Raaijmakers
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr S.F.G. Rammeloo
(Maastricht University)
Mr C.W. Rebel
(University of Utrecht)
Dr J.H. Reestman
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof K.G.C. Reid
(University of Edinburgh)
Mrs I.M. Reinders
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof L.S. Reins
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mr J. Reniers
(University of Leuven)
Prof G.J.C. Rensen
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs S. Renssen
(Maastricht University)
Dr J. Reynolds
(University of California)
Prof C.H. van Rhee
(Maastricht University)
Mrs J. Richelle
(Universiteit Hasselt - Maastricht University)
Mrs Prof R. Rijnhout
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof H.F.M.W. van Rijswick
(University of Utrecht)
Ms R. Ristawati
(Maastricht University)
Mr R.P.J. Ritsema
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr J. Robbie
(University of Glasgow)
Mrs L.A. van Roermund
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
Mrs Prof J. Roest
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr R.J. Roland Holst
(Durham University)
Mr A. Romano
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mr O. Roodhooft
(University of Leuven)
Mr R. Rooman
(University of Leuven)
Mrs C. Rosca
(Maastricht University)
Mr GLH van Rosmalen
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs T. Rotscheid
(University of Utrecht)
Mr L. Van Roy
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr A. de Ruijter
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr F.M. Ruitenbeek-Bart
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Dr G.C.A.M. Ruitenberg
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs F.S.M. Ruitinga
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Prof J.W. Rutgers
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr S.W.E. Rutten
(Maastricht University)
Prof C.M. Ryngaert
(University of Utrecht)
Prof V. Sagaert
(University of Leuven)
Mrs V.J. Salles Viera Pinto
(Maastricht University)
Prof A.F. Salomons
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof I. Samoy
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr M. Santos Silva
(University of Minho)
Mr M.C. Sati
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr A.L.M. Schaap
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr E.A.G. van Schagen
(University of Utrecht)
Prof A.C. van Schaick
(Tilburg University)
Prof G. Schamps
(Université Catholique de Louvain)
Mrs Dr M.Y. Schaub
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Dr H. Schebesta
(Wageningen University & Research)
Prof H.N. Schelhaas
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs De Schepper
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Prof D. Schiek
(Queen's University of Belfast)
Prof P. van Schilfgaarde
Mrs Prof H.E.G.S. Schneider
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr S.L.T. Schoenmaekers
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr M.O. Scholten
(University of Utrecht)
Dr F. Scholz
(University of Vienna)
Mr E. Schoone
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mrs Dr C. van Schoubroeck
(University of Leuven)
Prof E.J.H. Schrage
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof W.M. Schrama
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr A.A.M. Schrauwen
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs F. Schuthof
(University of Utrecht)
Prof C.A. Schwarz
(Maastricht University - Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Prof L.A.J. Senden
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs E. Sevrin
(University of Leuven)
Dr D.B. Shabalala
(Maastricht University)
Mrs G. Shen
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M. Shi
(Maastricht University)
Mr Silva de Freitas
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mr L.R.M. Siry
(Maastricht University)
Mrs K. de Smedt
(Maastricht University)
Mr J. De Smet
(University of Leuven)
Prof J.M. Smits
(Maastricht University)
Mrs I.M. Smits
(University of Utrecht)
Dr S. Sobrie
(University of Leuven)
Mrs L. Solaro
(Maastricht University)
Prof J. Somsen
(Tilburg University)
Mr A. Soroiu
(Maastricht University)
Prof S. Sottiaux
(University of Leuven)
Prof J. Spier
Prof B.T.M. Steins Bisschop
(Nyenrode Business Universiteit - Maastricht University)
Mrs H.N. Stelma-Roorda
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mr C. Stewart
(University of Glasgow)
Mrs Prof S. Stijns
(University of Leuven)
Mrs F. van der Stoel
(University of Utrecht)
Prof M.E. Storme
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr N. Stroobants
(University of Leuven)
Prof T.H.D. Struycken
(University of Utrecht)
Prof J. Stuyck
(University of Leuven)
Mrs C. Suykens
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr K.J. Swider
(VU University Amsterdam)
Dr K.E.C.T. Swinnen
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr S. Tamboer
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr J. van der Tang
(University of Utrecht)
Mr R.L.N. Tans
(Maastricht University)
Mr A. Tavakolnia
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof E. Terryn
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Dr S. Thin
(Maastricht University - Radboud University Nijmegen)
Mrs Prof N. van Tiggelen-van der Velde
(Radboud University Nijmegen - Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Prof B. Tilleman
(University of Leuven)
Prof R.P.J.L. Tjittes
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs M. Tollenaar
(VU University Amsterdam)
Mrs J. Trifunović
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr E. Tsourdi
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr K. Tyagi
(Maastricht University)
Mrs Dr C. Ucín
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mr R.C.P. van Uden
(Universiteit Leiden)
Mrs F.J. Unz
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Prof R. Uylenburg
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr K. Uytterhoeven
(University of Leuven)
Prof A. Uzelac
(University of Zagreb)
Mr I. Val
(Wageningen University & Research)
Dr T.A.J.A. Vandamme
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs A.M. Vandekerkhove
(University of Leuven)
Dr W. Vandenbussche
(Ghent University)
Mr W. Vandermeulen
(University of Leuven)
Mrs A. Vanhellemont
(Universiteit Hasselt)
B. Vanheusden
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mrs Z.D. Vankova
(Maastricht University)
Mrs F. Vanswijgenhoven
(University of Leuven - University of Leuven)
Mrs F. Vavourakis
(University of Leuven)
Mrs Prof E. Van der Velde
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mrs Dr K.M.L.L. van der Ven
(Maastricht University)
Mrs L.W. Verboeket
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr P.W.J. Verbruggen
(Tilburg University)
Mr B.T. Verdam
(University of Utrecht)
Mr T.J. Verdonk
(University of Leuven)
Mrs M. Verhagen
(University of Utrecht)
Prof A.J. Verheij
(University of Groningen)
Mrs D.J. Verheij
(Universiteit Leiden)
Dr B. Verheye
(University of Leuven)
Mrs M.D. Verhoef
(Open Universiteit Nederland)
Mrs A.E.M. Verjans
(University of Leuven)
Dr R.R. Verkerk
Mrs M. Vermeer
Mrs E.E. Vermeulen
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr W. Verrijdt
(University of Leuven)
Mrs E.B.C. Verscheure
(University of Leuven)
Prof L.C.A. Verstappen
(University of Groningen)
Mrs J.H.G. Verweij-Hoogendijk
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Prof L.T. Visscher
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Dr M.C.B.F. de Visser
(Singapore Management University)
Mrs L. Visser
(Maastricht University)
Mrs N.M. Vissers
(Maastricht University)
Dr L.P.W. van Vliet
(Maastricht University)
Mrs J. de Vogel
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs Prof M.J. Vonk
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
Dr J. Voorter
(Tilburg University)
Mrs Prof E.I.L. Vos
(Maastricht University)
Dr T. Vos
(University of Antwerp - University of Leuven)
Mrs M.L. Vrancken
(Universiteit Hasselt)
Mr R. de Vrey
(University of Utrecht)
Mr G.J.P. de Vries
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof S.A. de Vries
(University of Utrecht)
Mr A.J. de Vries
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs I.M. de Waal
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs V.A. van Waarde
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Prof L.B. Waddington
(Maastricht University)
Mr S.-Y. Wang
(Newcastle University)
Mr J. Wang
(Maastricht University)
Mrs M. Wang
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S. Warwick
(University of Edinburgh)
Mr J. Wassink
(University of Amsterdam)
Prof P. Wautelet
(University of Liège)
Mr P. Weber
(University of Zurich)
Mrs Prof F. Weber
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
M.J.G.A. Weerepas
(Maastricht University)
Prof R.J. de Weijs
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr M. Weimer
(University of Amsterdam)
Dr S. Weishaar
(University of Groningen)
Dr M. Wells-Greco
(Maastricht University)
Prof P. Wéry
(Université Catholique de Louvain)
Mrs M.W. Wessel
(University of Amsterdam)
Mr M.R.A.G. Wibisana
Prof R.J.G.M. Widdershoven
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Dr A. Wiesbrock
(University of Oslo)
Mrs Dr A. Wiewiorowska
(Universität Osnabrück)
Prof L.C. Winkel
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs N.S. de With
(Maastricht University)
Prof B. de Witte
(Maastricht University)
Dr R.A. Wolf
(Maastricht University)
Dr E. Wolleswinkel
Prof J. Wouters
(University of Leuven)
Mrs A.H.H. Wouters
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Y. Xie
Mrs M. Xu
(Maastricht University)
Mrs T. Xu
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs X. Xu
(Maastricht University)
Dr O. Yalnazov
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mrs W.T. Yang
(Maastricht University)
Mrs S.N. Yılancıoğlu
(Maastricht University)
Dr H. Yu
(Maastricht University)
Mr X. Yu
(Maastricht University)
Mrs I. van der Zalm
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mr J.J. van Zanden
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs M. van Zanten
(University of Utrecht)
Mrs Prof J.A.W. van Zeben
(European University Institute - Wageningen University & Research)
Mrs Dr E.L. van der Zee
(Universität Hamburg)
Mrs Q. Zhang
(Maastricht University)
Mrs K. Zheng
(Maastricht University)
Mr J. Zhou
(University of Amsterdam)
Mrs Dr E. van Zimmeren
(University of Antwerp)
Mrs Dr K. Zimmermann
(Maastricht University)
Mr M. Zoetekouw
(University of Utrecht)
Researchers by Research Programme
All Research Programmes
Contract Law and Law of Obligations in General
Family Law
Property Law
Liability and Insurance
Transnational Environmental Law
Legal Persons in Europe
Fiscal Problems in the Internal Market
Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe
Intellectual Property
Constitutional Processes: The Interaction between the National and the European Dimension
Judicial Protection and Law Enforcement: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension
Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy
Constitutional Processes in the Global Legal Order
The Ius Commune Research School unites legal scholars of the
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Maastricht University
, the
University of Utrecht
and the
University of Amsterdam
. The
Maastrichts Institute for Transnational Legal Reserach (METRO)
hosts the secretariat of the School.
© 1996-2024 Ius Commune Research School
Last update: 11 September 2024
Remarks, inqueiries and suggestions are most welcome at